Chapter Sixty-Nine: What We Wish We Knew Before College

Lately, life has seemed to just fly right by. Tests keep coming up, among other things, and I find it hard to sometimes take time and write a little bit. I'm not going to lie, writing a blog post takes me hours...Although it's a seemingly-long process, I always enjoy writing, especially when people are willing to listen to me. I've prepared a different kind of blog post today. This is for the high school seniors (and others who might find this useful). I hold many high schoolers close to my heart, and I know your time in high school is drawing to a close. It's scary, but exciting. You're on the brink of new adventures and experiences, and that's just the beginning! So, in light of this, I have gathered some helpful advice from people you may or may not know. Whatever the case may be, I hope you can learn something from these people. Always know that you are not alone. Without futher ado, here is What We Wish We Knew Before College ... "I w...