Meet Sarah

First of all, thank you for taking the time to read about my life. My name is Sarah, and I like to think of myself as a pretty ordinary person in an absolutely extraordinary world. God has really blessed me with a wonderful family, amazing friends, awesome students, and a love of words.

I was born and raised in Texas by a beautiful, loving family. I have a wonderful sister, who is an amazing wife and mother. My father is a strong, encouraging man who always pushes me to be my absolute best. My mother has always been my #1 Cheerleader and for that I will always do my best to return the favor.

I have two very best friends: Victoria and Kimberly. I've known Kimberly for almost 10 years, and Victoria for 8 years. We've stuck together like glue for quite awhile, and we always encourage each other to do what's right and true.  

I'm Roman Catholic and love everything about my Church. I was first introduced to Catholicism when I was 13 when Kimberly invited me to a retreat. After I turned 16, and after two years of classes, I was baptized, confirmed, and received first communion in the Catholic faith. I taught RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) for teens for two years afterward. Now, at university, I am a part of a couple of organizations, the most prominent being on the Raider Awakening Staff.

I hope you enjoy reading about my life...because I definitely love writing about it!

Psst, I went to Spain in 2017 and loved it!! Read my posts here and watch my video!


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