Usually fun and adventurous stories start off with a heart-pounding, action-packed, swash-buckling beginning. Not this one though. Because this is the story of little, ordinary me. And, unlike other stories, this isn't the beginning. This is almost the prequel to a story that might not even happen; a path created that leads to a road still being built. Because this is the story of little, ordinary me. This is a story of a college freshman. Well...sort of. I'm not a freshman in college yet . I will be though...very soon. I only have 33 days left until I am out of public high school. Of course, I will miss a lot of aspects of being in high school: my friends, the easy grades, the impressive teachers....but at this point (which I am sure many high school seniors are feeling) I am ready to GET. OUT. I am ready to begin my life . Here is Rapunzel, from the Disney movie Tangled , painting her image of the world outside of the walls of her tower. This. Is. How. I. Feel. No, my...
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