Chapter Seventy-Eight: Rare Creatures

Happy Summer! Summer (the season, not the break) officially started June 21. Ironically, it was mostly cloudy and rainy here. Oh well, I'm sure we will get our fill of sunlight and heat as the season continues. Anyway, between now and my last update post (June 1), I've started an online class, began working for the first time, and celebrated a couple of things with loved ones. I feel like the word "busy" is mentioned at least once in every blog post, but I really mean it! I started training to be a waitress about 3 weeks ago. Although stressful at times, I'm definitely getting the hang of things the more practice I get! I'm now serving on my own in small sections (about two or three tables) and am really enjoying it so far! It definitely gives you a workout. My first day as a waitress...lookin' good and lookin' for tips! After graduation, I began my short summer class. Thankfully, it isn't too demanding, so I can (for the most part) easi...