Chapter Eighty-Eight: Football, Frogs, and Late Nights (Studying)

Activation Energy. It's a term we learned in my Biology of Animals class a couple days ago. On a cellular level, activation energy is the energy it takes to make the initial move when it comes to doing whatever cells do, such as replicating or breaking down sugars. However, our professor decided to tell us about how we all need activation energy in our much bigger, human life. Sometimes, when we have a lot on our plate or just have a task ahead of us we are not too excited about doing, the hardest part is gaining the activation energy to just start . Whether I like it or not, I'm growing older each and every day. Which means that each and every day I am gaining more responsibilities, knowledge (hopefully), and burdens as adulthood becomes my reality. This is becoming particularly evident to me because 1) I'm currently writing this at 2:00 AM when I should be sleeping like a normal person and 2) my best friend turns twenty today. (Happy Birthday, Kimmy!) Twenty. Twenty?!...