Chapter Ninety-Three: 'Twas the Day Before Christmas...

'Twas the day before Christmas, when all through the house, Festive music was playing, fake snow on my blouse; The tree was decorated in cold winter care, In hopes that Texas would crank down the warm air; Jack, the dog, was nestled all snug in his bed, Ripping something that wasn't supposed to be shred; And Sarah in her leggings, sitting in her chair, Was struck with inspiration, one she couldn't bear; Away to the laptop, she flew like The Flash, Stroked away at the keyboard and rhymed in a dash. But alas, she knew, this poem wouldn't last Because poetry was never a success in the past; It was small, but she was proud of her work, So she ended the verse with a little smirk; To end with a bang, she decided to say, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good day!" Feeling the Christmas spirit, courtesy of Daniel Ibanez's awesome artistic skills Happy Christmas Eve, everyone! You better believe that poem took me more tim...