Chapter One-Hundred-and-Two: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

We've all heard the phrase, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," but have we really ever thought about it before? How do we define beauty, and who is the beholder we speak of? As we know, Easter has passed, meaning Lent is over. Today I'm going to talk about what I gave up for 40 days, and what I gained from the experience. Make-up and I go way back. From playing with my mom's large collection of blushes to experimenting with my best friend's big sister's eye shadows, I enjoyed the art of dress up from a young age. In middle school I wore bright green eye shadow and too much eyeliner to make me look tough. In high school, the colors (thankfully) became more natural and casual. Before I knew it, applying make-up every morning became a sort of daily chore. I enjoyed it, nevertheless. It was fun to try new styles or watch how-to videos. I liked it, but it started to take a toll. I didn't feel comfortable leaving the house without some sor...