Chapter One-Hundred-and-Three: Aesthetics

About a month from now, I'll be done with half of my college degree. How crazy is that?? It feels like I just stepped onto campus for the first time about a month ago... I vividly remember saying goodbye to Mom and Dad, meeting my roommates, and going to class for the first time. A lot has happened...and a lot has changed, too. I am so thankful for the time I've spent here, and can't wait to see what other memories I'll make in the next couple of years. But, before we get there, let's see what I've been up to the last couple of weeks! Bailey, Martin, and I all stayed home Easter weekend, so we spent a lot of it together. Martin and I went shopping the Saturday before Easter, and then spent the afternoon eating delicious snow-cones and spying on prairie dogs. Strawberries and Creme; Fruit Punch topped with Watermelon Prairie Dogs Galore That following Monday (when everyone was returning to campus from home and Martin and I were still alone in...