Chapter One-Hundred-and-Twelve: The Eye of the Storm

Everyone knows how fall rarely begins when the calendars say so...especially in Texas. However, recently the temperatures have been dropping, the leaves have been changing, and my jackets have gotten more use. I'm even wearing a beanie right now (mostly to cover up my mess of hair)! Regardless, fall is upon us, which means the semester is nearing it's midpoint. Hard to believe, but the workload reminds me often. Picking up where I left off in my post nearly a month ago, shortly after Daniel's departure, we had a celebration at hand! Eddie, Luke's roommate (and our friend from high school) had a birthday the following weekend. Eddie's parents actually came into town to spend time with him, but his friends had other plans. We surprised Eddie! Luke told him we were just watching movies at our house, and when Eddie arrived, he was greeted with a lit birthday cake and a chorus of shouts, "Surprise!!" Well, he was very surprised, and very happy. The cake was...