Chapter One-Hundred-and-Fourteen: Smiles All Around

Hello, my name is Sarah and I am so ready for Thanksgiving. :)
As many of you know, the traditional American holiday is drawing near, meaning that college students get to have three whole days off of school (not including the weekend). While this may seem like a short break (compared to a week), it is much needed and appreciated! Many of us are at our wit's end and are just begging for the semester to be over. I'm even more anxious since I've signed up for all of my Spring 2017 classes; it's always exciting to start something new.
However, since we are stuck in the monotonous Fall 2016 semester, that's where we will be until time propels us forward into another whirlwind. Until then, let's talk about this past month's events!

On November 5, we gracefully accepted the UT Longhorns into our stadium and had a nice, clean, respectful some alternate universe. The rivalry between Tech and UT is definitely a big one, so the student section was rowdy as usual.
This game I did not sit with the students though; instead, I sat with Luke's dad, sister, and brother. They came into town to watch the game, but mostly to watch Luke play in the band.

Who chose 'burnt orange' in the first place?

We had a great time, but, once again, our team didn't perform at the level they needed to be. Oh well, maybe next year I can finally brag to my UT friends....sigh....
Despite the loss, I still had great company with the Hendersons. We ate dinner after the game, before the family had to haul back home for the night. While we didn't see them long, the time spent together was fun and worthwhile.

My mini me!

The night before, a group of my friends and I headed to the hipster side of Lubbock to check out local music and art. It was also an excuse to dress pretty, so that is always fun. We first went to BLANC (I think that's the name of it) to check out some music and architectural art pieces. We then rushed over to First Friday Art Trail at 8:30 PM (it closes at 9:00 PM).  While we didn't get to see every piece of art, we did get to spend some quality time together. What more could a girl want?

Trying to be artistic

Shadow art

Local kids' art in celebration of Day of the Dead

Interactive fluorescent art
Smiles (and ice cream cookies) all around :)

This past Saturday, on the 12th, we had a girls' night out at a local fraternity lounge. Lubbock has an area off campus called "Greek Circle" where a lot of Fraternities and Sororities have large buildings where the house their meetings (I'm assuming, I don't know to be honest), formals (maybe), and events. Well, we decided to attend an event with the promise that a B-list rapper, Lil Yachty, would appear and perform. I've only heard one song from this guy, but was still pretty excited to have a live show. And we weren't the only ones - the place was packed! The theme of the event was "80's ski resort", so everyone was dressed in their best Northface jackets, Nike leggings, and Ugg boots.
We arrived around 10:30 pm, with word that Lil Yachty was on a plane from Arizona to Lubbock, and would arrive around midnight. So we danced, and talked, and danced, and talked, and waited and waited..... until this happened:


Well, I've never seen a crowd disperse so fast without the aid of cops. People were so angry and disappointed. The guys in the crowd were especially angry because they had to pay to get in... girls were free. While some say the rapper just took the money and didn't show up, others say that the fraternity just lied to get more people at the event. To be honest, I don't really care what happened. Yeah, it was disappointing, but we still had a fun night as a group! We looked cute and enjoyed each others' company. Besides, what can beat Whataburger at 1 in the morning?

Friends :)

Writing this chapter, it feels like not a lot in my life has happened other than the few events listed above. In reality though, life has been all the right amounts of happy, with little sprinkles of stress here and there. Especially with Thanksgiving just around the corner, reflecting about these past couple of weeks and even semester have a great amount of things I am thankful for. I'm so blessed with an amazing support system no matter where I go - whether it's my family, my friends, my boyfriend or his family, or even my classmates. A lot of pictures on my phone are of people I love, if that can sum up my latest semester. I'm not sure how many times I've called my parents to talk about high and low moments, but I've called my Mom almost everyday this week if that gives you a clue. I've been studying God's Word with some amazing, genuine people that really help me start the week off right. I am facilitating one of the staffs for Raider Awakening 56 (which will be in late March/early April!) and all of our meetings have been full of bonding and love and laughter.
I can't imagine dealing with the stresses of life alone, so my big THANK YOU has to go to my amazing friends and family! I love you guys!!

What are you thankful for? As always, I'm so grateful for those who read my chapters. Thank you! God Bless, and have a great holiday.


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