Chapter One-Hundred-and-Thirty-Five: Graduation (Final Chapter)
4 years. 148 undergraduate hours. 135 chapters. When I first started my blog way back on May 4, 2014 , I made a promise to myself to stick with it. It started out as the "Misadventures of Life" because that's what my blog was full of; the "misadventures" of being an 18-year-old so ready to explore the depths of young, independent adulthood. There was a desire to share with friends who were on the brink to experience post-high-school life what it was truly like. That's why the first few years of my blog were focused on what to pack for college, how the first week of school was like for me, and even changing majors ! My First Dorm! My First Roommates! As the years came and went, and the chapters were added on, this space became a personal, yet public, place for me to share the moments in college that I treasured and acknowledged as growth. Finding the beauty in the littlest things or taking chances or even delving into a different co...