Chapter One-Hundred-and-Thirty-Three: Can't Stand Still

Last blog post, I mentioned that I had many more adventures planned... well they happened, so here are the SparkNotes of Sarah's life for the last two months! 

Almost immediately after my last blog post, a good friend and I drove down to Houston, TX. This was an interesting drive because we started our road trip right after school on Friday, which means we didn't arrive at our destination until about 2 am!! Talk about TIRED! But we made it. The whole reason for us being there was to attend a fun music festival in the heart of downtown Houston. It was Lorie, Lorie's sister, her husband, and little ol' me (er, little young me, since everyone was much older than me!). 


The music festival was called IN BLOOM. The line-up was full of names I did and didn't recognize (mostly the latter), but that is what makes music festivals so much fun! I personally love discovering new artists and bands by first hearing them live - it's a great way to form tangible memories with their melodies and harmonies. And that's exactly what we did, was make memories

It was such a fun time with Lorie and her family, and they were such amazing hosts, too! Lorie and I have really grown to love each other in the past two years of being in the same educational program, and we thought of this trip as a last "hurrah" before we head our separate ways towards our teaching careers. I loved being myself with her at this fun concert and on our road trip. 

Going to Houston was also cool because I got to go to Mass and have brunch with my BEST FRIEND Kimberly!! I love love love her and am so happy we've been friends for 10 years! I am looking forward to us getting teaching jobs in the DFW area and having weekly/daily phone calls about our teaching lives. Brunch was delicious, by the way. 


The next weekend was Easter, which I spent in Lubbock this year with my friends and roommates! A few of my friends and I decided to attend the Easter Vigil Mass together. For those who do not know what that is, it's a long Mass the night before Easter Sunday to celebrate the rising of Jesus with individuals who are getting initiated into the Church through Baptism, Confirmation, and/or First Communion. (Psst that's how I became Catholic). 

The church starts in darkness, as was the world before the light of Christ!!!

Catholics Rock

While it is a long mass, it is immensely exciting to experience the joy felt with new members of the Church. It also is very emotional because that marks the 6th year for me of being Catholic! Wahoo!!! I love being Catholic!!!! 

He is Risen!

On Easter, my roommates and I decided to go traditional and dye some boiled eggs together! We forgot how tedious it can all be, but we had fun and enjoyed every moment, even if our eggs didn't turn out as beautiful as we wanted. 

Beautiful girls!

Well not even a week later I was on a plane with some of my dearest friends from church heading to Chicago, IL! This was really cool for me because my mom is from Illinois! "But Sarah," you protest, "Get to the point; why were you in Chicago?
Well, for the past year I have been involved with the program ESTEEM (or Engaging Students to Enliven the Ecclesial Mission). Basically, it's a program to prepare college students, who have had the church catered to them for a long time, to be active and independent adults in the faith post-graduation. A group of seniors and I have had classes on various topics about the Church to lead up to the final conference in Chicago with other students from schools who have done the same thing. 

The schools that attended were Texas Tech University, Stanford, Yale, Purdue, and a few others. 

It was very cool to meet students from all over the country and talk about the religion that unites us all. I really enjoyed my time not only with ESTEEM but with all my Texas Tech friends too! Oh, and one of the best parts was that Mary came too, so we were ~reunited and it feels so good~. 

Chicago was so much fun, and it was cool to share the experience via photographs with my mom. She really enjoyed that I was so close to where she grew up. It was cool for me, too. 

Oh and we also met Sr. Jean from Loyola, so that was pretty freakin' sweet! Also, we really loved her. 

We were tickled pink!

After getting sick from the cold weather in Chicago, I was ready to be home and rest; however, being a graduating senior doesn't allow for rest!! 
The very next weekend I headed home to Dallas to attend a few job fairs! Yes, it is that time... searching for jobs is exhilarating and anxiety-ridden... but it's not too bad when you can job hunt with your best friend!


Kimberly also drove home to look for jobs. We met up and then split apart (because she is elementary certified and I am middle school certified). I am hopeful... future job is TBA! 

"Well, Sarah," you sigh, "Those are a lot of trips...
But wait! There's more!
The next weekend I was whisked away from Lubbock once again, but this time because I was a chaperone on a middle school field trip! For the past year in my student teaching, I've been coaching students who compete in math and science. The students who qualified are able to compete at state, which is in San Antonio, TX! 
I was pretty nervous to travel with 16 middle schoolers, but it was actually pretty fun! We, of course, didn't just compete at the University of Texas at San Antonio... 

A trip to San Antonio for UIL/TMSCA competition has many hidden traditions, such as group trips to Fiesta Texas Six Flags, going shopping at the mall, and eating at restaurants! 

The Cool Kids (The Chaperones)

Superman Ride (One of many we rode)

By the end of it all, my head was spinning and the kids thought my roller coaster scream was pretty funny. (Yeah, I'm still hearing about it more than a month later). The kids competed the next day and did a great job!! Being a chaperone was definitely a new experience for me, but I have learned that waking up sleepy children who are running late is a hidden joy of mine (muwahahaha).

After that, I finally stayed in Lubbock for longer than 4 days at a time. Traveling is fun, but good grief gets tiring. It's good to be home! (Err... my other home. College home? Oh, bother).  

Other than that, I just have a few more days until I graduate with my bachelor's degree! It is hard to believe that the year is wrapping up so quickly. I will update you soon on my last few days as an undergraduate at the greatest university in the world (and in case you forgot where that is, it's TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY)! 

I'll write you soon! Thanks for reading.


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