Chapter Sixty-Five: 19 Years Later

On January 20, 2015, I turned 19. I know that doesn't seem very old, but it's the oldest I've ever been! A lot happened my eighteenth year: prom, a new relationship, graduation, moving away to college, changing my major... It's been quite exciting, that's for sure! I had my fair share of adulthood as well, and I'm sure more adulthood is going to smack me in the face every chance it gets. Anyway, since I'm here at school, I spent my birthday with my roommates. The night before, my roommates took me out to a local coffee shop and all gathered their spare change to pay for my drink. It was very thoughtful, and we had fun spending quality time together. On the big day, Mom sent me a big package that was also known as The Party Box . She had packed a bunch of fun toys for my roommates and me to play with. We all had party hats, balloons, noise-makers, bouncy name it! We even went outside and made giant bubbles. We definitely got some strange looks,...