Chapter Sixty-Two: Shadows and Crabs and Movies, Oh My!

Happy New Year!
I've been quite busy this week. On Tuesday, I spent the night at Jenny's (my roommate!) house. The next day, Wednesday, I went to school. Well, sort of. Jenny's mom is a middle school teacher, and I decided to shadow her for a day, since I'm considering becoming a middle school teacher. It was beyond educational...I learned so much! I took about 6 pages of notes there, and I'm not even done asking Jenny's mom questions! So far, I am really enjoying the idea of being in her shoes in about five years. It was definitely interesting because Jenny's mom teaches at a private school. I went to public school all my life, and I didn't even think about teaching at a private school. Shadowing was such a great experience...and I am hoping to do it again soon!

Henry the Hippo ready for a Day at School

Later that evening, my parents took me out for a birthday dinner at one of my favorite places: Joe's Crab Shack. I love crab sooo much, so going to Joe's is always a pleasant time with my parents. As the "birthday" (my birthday isn't until the 20th) girl, I had to flap around the restaurant as everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to me. I did it last year, so no big deal. ;) 

Bib says: "Went out for a good night and got crabs!"

Once we got home, I opened my gift from my parents. Mom had gone all out and wrapped it in Texas Tech colors. It almost hurt tearing it apart. I did cut the front of the package off, to keep it safe. It was just too beautiful to throw away! 

Wreck 'Em!

The week kept speeding by and on Thursday, I ate lunch with one of my favorite past teachers with my best friend, Victoria, and my boyfriend, Luke. It was fun and I'm glad Victoria got to catch up with Langsather. After school, Victoria and I visited two of our other teachers. It was very refreshing to see our old teachers! 
Friday was spent cleaning the house in anticipation of my birthday celebration (I'm celebrating tonight with friends and family). However, in the evening, I went out with Luke and ate some delicious froyo. Afterward, we tested out my new DVD/Bluray machine and watched The Giver. I had already seen this with my roommates, but I knew Luke would like it (and it was shorter than the other movie we wanted to watch, The Maze Runner). I absolutely love how The Giver was filmed (I still need to read the book!), so we very much enjoyed our time. 
I'll definitely have more to blog about in a couple of days. My time here at home is running short, and while I am very sad about it, I'm also really excited to see my roommates again and start a new semester!

How did you kick off the new year? Comment below!
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