Chapter Eighty-Two: Sun Kisses - Part II

The last time I wrote about Sun Kisses , June had just begun. Now I'm writing Part II, on the brink of the beginning of August. Oh, how time flies. In May, my friends and I traveled down South to celebrate a wedding. This past week we visited the Gulf of Mexico again...just for fun! It has been a fun, action-packed vacation so far full of aquarium adventures, beach excursions, sunburns, sea salt, and sea food...and we're not done yet. However, before I departed for vacation, I spent a day with Luke...and it all started at Red Lobster. No, I didn't serve him...we went on a date! It's currently Crab-Fest (FYI Crab Lovers!), so we decided to come off-the-clock to get some delicious, sweet crab. We had 1 lb of Snow Crab and then a 0.5 lb of Bairdi Crab, which is very similar to Snow Crab except that it is larger and a tad bit sweeter. We both loved it. Let's Get Crackin' After a hearty lunch, we headed over to Dallas for DCI - a marching competition. Luke...