Chapter Eighty-Two: Sun Kisses - Part II

The last time I wrote about Sun Kisses, June had just begun. Now I'm writing Part II, on the brink of the beginning of August. Oh, how time flies.
In May, my friends and I traveled down South to celebrate a wedding. This past week we visited the Gulf of Mexico again...just for fun! It has been a fun, action-packed vacation so far full of aquarium adventures, beach excursions, sunburns, sea salt, and sea food...and we're not done yet. However, before I departed for vacation, I spent a day with Luke...and it all started at Red Lobster. No, I didn't serve him...we went on a date! It's currently Crab-Fest (FYI Crab Lovers!), so we decided to come off-the-clock to get some delicious, sweet crab. We had 1 lb of Snow Crab and then a 0.5 lb of Bairdi Crab, which is very similar to Snow Crab except that it is larger and a tad bit sweeter. We both loved it.

Let's Get Crackin'

After a hearty lunch, we headed over to Dallas for DCI - a marching competition. Luke LOVES drumline and good music in general, so it was really cool to experience something he holds near and dear. We also met up with a lot of his friends from the past. The lot wasn't as interesting to me as Luke, but the performances were amazing! 


It was a late night, but totally worth it. We had a lot of fun! 
After a long week of serving, my best friends and I finally met up and headed down south. My best friends and I have not really seen a lot of each other this summer, so this vacation together was much needed! We started having fun the moment we saw each other. 

We spent an entire day at the beach. This is typical for my family, but it was even more exciting because we had two little ones with us who are new to the whole ocean-thing. The day was spent swimming, sailing, kayaking, building (and wrecking) sand castles, kite-flying, and much much more. We returned that day with our skin a bit more red (ouch)...but we also returned with memories to keep and treasure forever. 

The very next day was spent at the Aquarium; a grand adventure, indeed. The girls and Mom went to the Dolphin show as the others explored the Aquarium. It was so cool to see Shadow and Kai perform and show off for us.

After the show, we got a closer look at the two dolphins. They were very friendly and photogenic!



We then explored the rest of the aquarium...we saw curious sea turtles, invisible otters (as in they weren't there), electrified jellyfish, and we even got to pet stingrays, starfish, and sea urchins. I'm not sure who had more fun - us or the children. 


After seeing everything that wanted to be seen (shout out to the invisible otters and octopus), we left the fish behind. There is a huge expansion happening in 2017, so maybe we will return! 
This week has been pretty relaxing so far...perfect for us college students who will be returning to school soon. As much as I love summer, I am missing school...but ask me again when I'm taking midterms. 
This morning the kids played with bubbles. While it didn't last long, we all had fun watching the bubbles be created and popped. 

More adventures are to come...but just to sum up: it's been a beach. ;) 


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