Chapter One-Hundred-and-Sixteen: Merry Christmas

The first day of winter was on the 21st, but the chilly front that swept across most of North America came before that! As the Texas temperatures slowly climb back up to normal southern winter conditions, I'm slowly rocking back into my home life. The semester ended earlier this month, but before finals crept in, Texas Tech had its annual Carol of the Lights celebration. This is when the center of campus is filled with the sound of Christmas music and carols and, at the end, beautiful lights. The entire ceremony starts with Saddle Tramps carrying bright red torches down an aisle formed by crowds of students, alumni, and curious children. **Drama** The ceremony continues with Christmas carols and songs performed by various groups such as the choir, esteemed opera singers or alumni performers, and various trombones. The sequence ends when, after a dramatic build-up and swelling of music, the beautiful lights illuminate the campus we all love so dearly. Taadaaa! It...