Chapter One-Hundred-and-Eight: Hold Them Close

I think one of God's greatest gifts to humanity is the gift of friendship. Isn't it so wonderful that we can meet complete strangers in one day and in the next find ourselves confiding in them, laughing with them, and loving them? I think when we witness true, solid friendship, we are seeing one of the many beautiful forms of love. I feel like I've always been blessed with very good friends. Whether we were best friends in 5th grade and haven't talked in awhile, or we just met in college and have decided we are soulmates, I feel like every single friendship has blessed me with great company, important lessons, and lovely memories. After having a wonderful night with my family on July 3rd, I headed out to the famous farm in Scurry, Texas to not only hang out with Luke, but to also meet and hang with his step-siblings! Luke's step-sister, Kristen, had brought along her boyfriend from abroad to experience our country's independence day (in Texas, too!). We...