Chapter One-Hundred-and-Eight: Hold Them Close

I think one of God's greatest gifts to humanity is the gift of friendship.
Isn't it so wonderful that we can meet complete strangers in one day and in the next find ourselves confiding in them, laughing with them, and loving them? I think when we witness true, solid friendship, we are seeing one of the many beautiful forms of love. 
I feel like I've always been blessed with very good friends. Whether we were best friends in 5th grade and haven't talked in awhile, or we just met in college and have decided we are soulmates, I feel like every single friendship has blessed me with great company, important lessons, and lovely memories. 

After having a wonderful night with my family on July 3rd, I headed out to the famous farm in Scurry, Texas to not only hang out with Luke, but to also meet and hang with his step-siblings! Luke's step-sister, Kristen, had brought along her boyfriend from abroad to experience our country's independence day (in Texas, too!). We started off by going out and seeing the new Independence Day movie. We left laughing and quoting the movie, which, while the graphics were pretty, did not hold much plot (or at least not logical plot). 
We, of course, had to stop at the nearby Buccee's to let Michael (the abroad boy) experience the huge, beaver-endorsed gas station (with amazing bathrooms!). It was fun to look around with each other. 


Leaving with our souvenirs

We all grabbed our favorites (Beaver Nuggets, Cake balls, beer, etc.), and headed back to the farm. But not before taking a picture of the entire crew!

We're so cute!

We returned to the farm and, after having some downtime, sat outside and had a great dinner! Like true Texans, we served hamburgers and hotdogs off the back of a truck, and sat outside alongside the setting sun. 

Truck Buffet Table!

Lookin' cute :)

After dinner, Allen showed us one of his favorite tractors. It's tradition for us to drive it around, since I've done it for the past couple of years on Fourth of July. Luke and I both took a turn, and Micheal did too! I don't know if this guy could have gotten more of a Texan experience!

Call me Farmer Sarah

Farmer Luke

To pass time before it got dark, we all sat in the living room and played Taboo, a game the combines charades, logic, and creative adjectives all into one. We did the typical guys vs. girls scenario, which made the game fun and interesting! While we were neck-and-neck for awhile, us girls ended up winning the game of the night. Hooray!  
By the end of the game, it was dark enough for fireworks. We gathered up the multitudes of fireworks we had and headed out to the backyard to begin the real fun.
All the guys assumed the "setting-things-on-fire" position, while most of us girls decided to take the "stand-back-and-watch" spot. I think all of us had a good time, including Luke's mom and step-dad, who watched our entire show! 

Setting off a row of fireworks

Fireworks across the street

Yaaay fire!

My Fourth of July was full of fun and new friends, and I couldn't be more thankful! I had so much fun meeting all of Luke's siblings and hanging out with them - they are a great crew. 
In between all of my small trips and work schedule, I've been hanging out with my two best friends quite a bit this summer. I'm not saying we neglected our friendship in the past, but I feel like we all are making a bigger effort to see each other while we are in the same city for the season. It's refreshing and a little nostalgic of how often we saw each other in high school. 

(I'm on the swing)

I'm sure you've heard by now that there is a new Pokemon game on smart phones... well you can bet your biscuits that I got that game! I did not grow up playing Pokemon games like so many people in my generation (and beyond, this game is old!), but that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed myself! I really like this game because it forces the players to explore outside, instead of keeping us cooped inside our house all day like traditional video games. Not only that, but it is connecting people everywhere in the strangest ways. 
A couple of days ago, I went out with a group of friends to search for Pokemon together. 

2 excited 2 selfie

Domingo and Luke helping me catch a Pinsir

Making time to play on playgrounds

Not only did we have a lot of great conversation, but we also ran into strangers playing the game that talked to us too! It's like we are not just glued to our phone screen, we are looking up and talking to each other again. 

"There's a Magikarp on your face!"

All just hanging :)

While the night lasted a little longer than I anticipated, we did catch a lot of great Pokemon to add to our collections. And let's not forget the great time we had as friends! With another promise of a Pokemon-Hunting date ahead of us, I'm sure we will be becoming better friends as time goes on. 

Just last night I had my two friends over for a sleepover... we stayed up watching movies like we were 16 years old again, and enjoyed each other's company so much that we forgot to take pictures (like always). Whenever I get the opportunity to spend a lot of time with friends like I have this past summer, it's hard not to be grateful for having such great company. Friends give us the opportunity to receive love and give more back. Friendship teaches us important lessons about other people, as well as ourselves. Friends are valuable in so many different ways...which is why we should hold them close. 
I feel like sometimes we take our friends and friendships for granted. We just assume it will always be there, so we allow ourselves to neglect the relationship, our friend, or even ourselves. I pray and hope that we can always remain grateful for our blessings, and always have the energy to seek old and new friends out. Hold them close. Love them more. And care deeply and truly, because that is what love is.

Hug a friend today, and tell them you love them! Thanks for reading, and may God bless all of our beautiful friendships. 


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