Chapter Seven: MOM

I hope I wasn't the only one who noticed the too-cute Google Doodle for today!
Go Moms! Sponsored by Google.

So, as many of you guys know, today was Mothers' Day. I hope you all showed your appreciation for your mother, especially those of us who are blessed to have her in our lives. 
I love my Mom so much, and I hope she knows it! Every Mother's Day I remember about all the wonderful acts she has done for the better good. And I remember all those nights we laid in bed together telling each other how much we loved each other,
"I love you more than all the water on earth."
"I love you more than all the stars in the sky."
"I love you more than all the stars in the UNIVERSE!" 
This year I surprised her with a nice vase of Carnations and Baby Breaths, and a really sweet, touching card. It even made me cry...

"I love you as my mom -
the wonderful woman
who has done more for me
than any other person in the world.
I love you as my friend -
someone who understands me,
takes time to listen,
and truly cares about
how I'm doing.
I love what you've made me - 
a happy child,
a grateful adult,
and someone who will always
look up to you.

Happy Mother's Day"

I think this hit me so hard because 
A) This is the last Mother's Day before I am in college, living on my own
B) I'm officially/legally an adult and
C) I believe in all of those things listed in the card wholeheartedly (Thanks, Hallmark!) 

So, today, I spent time with my mother (and grandmother, aunt, sister - all great mothers!), and I hope that you guys can not only make time for your mother today, but also for many days to come. They have done so much, or, as my mother posted on FaceBook this morning: 
"Thank you Mothers of the world...for wiping tears, tucking in, cleaning cuts, kissing all boo boos, making dinner, making sacrifices, sharing laughter, smiling, and just plain loving all the children of the world!"
We, of course, know mothers do this and so much more, but the whole concept of Mother's Day isn't to be aware, but to be grateful. To not take it for granted. Especially the older we get.

So, Mom....I love you. And I really do treasure our amazing relationship and time together. I love how hard you work, whether that be in your organization, my choir booster club, helping me shop for prom, cooking the family dinner, being the best Nana ever....I love how passionate you are, how loving you are, how dedicated you are, etc. etc.

My beautiful mother and I.

All in all, I love you! 


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