Chapter One-Hundred-and-Eleven: Stress-tember

Happy Moving Day! Happy First Day of School! Happy Stress-tember! Happy First Day of Fall! ' Okay, did I miss anything? It is also my sister's wedding anniversary, so that's cool too. First of all, I have to apologize. I really try to make an effort to NOT point out when I am lacking in my blogging (the number of posts have just dwindled over the months), but after a month of not posting anything, I need to apologize. Of course, every apology should come with an explanation, because, yes, I am a flawed human being, but I also do not make mistakes for nothing. I don't know if you guessed it, but the start to my semester has been crazy (and I do mean crazy) busy, and I haven't done much besides study, sleep, eat, repeat. Despite this, I have been wanting to blog literally everyday. I love writing; it's the way I release my stress, gain insight on myself, and maintain my social media reputation. Less emphasis on that last point. So, in summary, this impromptu hi...