Chapter One-Hundred-and-Eleven: Stress-tember

Happy Moving Day! Happy First Day of School! Happy Stress-tember! Happy First Day of Fall! '
Okay, did I miss anything? It is also my sister's wedding anniversary, so that's cool too.
First of all, I have to apologize. I really try to make an effort to NOT point out when I am lacking in my blogging (the number of posts have just dwindled over the months), but after a month of not posting anything, I need to apologize. Of course, every apology should come with an explanation, because, yes, I am a flawed human being, but I also do not make mistakes for nothing. I don't know if you guessed it, but the start to my semester has been crazy (and I do mean crazy) busy, and I haven't done much besides study, sleep, eat, repeat.
Despite this, I have been wanting to blog literally everyday. I love writing; it's the way I release my stress, gain insight on myself, and maintain my social media reputation. Less emphasis on that last point. So, in summary, this impromptu hiatus from blogging has hurt both me and you.
Okay, enough with the apologies and excuses and whatnot. Let's get to updating you on my first few weeks as a junior in college!
 As some of you might know, I was taking a math class online during the summer. Unfortunately, due to my poor planning, I ended up having to take the physical final in Lubbock. This meant I had to return to college way earlier than planned - like two weeks earlier than planned. Yikes! However, I can't deny I was a little excited to go back to school...change is always exciting. This return was different for two reasons: I was no longer living on campus, and I was carting my guinea pigs with me.
So on August 7, I said goodbye to my parents for the third year in a row, and headed out to Lubbock with Copper and Tod tucked away in their pet crate. We stopped often to have check-ins, snacks, bathroom breaks...just breaks in general. Copper and Tod did exceptionally well, thank goodness!

Copper and Tod sneaked into an AC building for a potty break...

The three of us made it just fine, and Mary welcomed us (me) with hugs, and lots of help moving my things into the house. Mary had been staying in Lubbock for the past month or so for her summer class, so she was very anxious to have company.

Just like home!

Yummy snacks :)

Mary was happy to have company (and mail)

After passing my class with flying colors, I really had nothing to do until school started up. I mostly binge-watched Arrow (great show, by the way), shopped for professional clothes (Sarah is growing up, kind of), or went to church (because Jesus is my LIFE). It was oddly relaxing, but definitely lonely. I like people.

I painted an 'S' for my door!

Adoration is my fav

The pigs and I hung out quite a bit as well, but what else is new?

When the start of school starting rolling around, the reality that I was Public Relations Manager for my organization (Texas State Teachers Association) became very real. We had signed up for the student organization fair to advertise! The new officers and I are really trying to pick up the pieces for this organization, as it hasn't been very successful these last couple of years. It's been very stressful planning, contacting faculty, getting organized, making flyers, (the list goes on), but the results have made it all very much worth it!

Half of the officers for TSTA

The Saturday before school started, the Catholic Student Association threw a free rave. This was out of tradition, since back-to-school dances with CSA (and Lubbock in general) tend to be country western/two-stepping/hoe-down get togethers. For someone who likes none of the above, having a rave was a great change of pace. It also attracted a different crowd of newcomers, which is great for student ministry attempting to reach out.

Psalms are sweaty, knees weak, cross is heavy, last supper is ready it's Lord's spaghetti"


Friends :)

On Sunday night, the clouds rolled in and the thunder roared, because school was starting the next day. Okay, that might not be the cause of the weather patterns, but it happened. The entire first week of school it was cloudy and dreary and rainy and gross. I mean, usually I am very excited to start school, but that's usually with the sun out!

Luckily, we did have a moment of sunshine to take our annual First Day pictures.



I said, "let's be cute" so he did this

I was introduced to my brand new schedule in my new education courses. Most of my classes are only one day a week, for three hours at a time (in contrast to classes that are three times a week, for only one hour). This was very different, and hard to stay awake in at 8 am. Yikes! Despite the different times, the content is very interesting and relevant to my new step in the educational world. In fact, one of my first projects was a group video project, where I dressed like Dwight Schrute from The Office. I rocked it, by the way.


Later this semester, I will start observing and teaching in actual classrooms! I'm so so excited about this, but honestly, learning about all the rules and regulations that teachers must be graded on is kind of overwhelming. I can easily admit I've had a couple of moments where I asked myself, "Can I really do this?!" You can ask my parents, because I've called them quite a bit to vent my stress.
After my first week, I was very stressed and anxious about this upcoming semester's workload. In the midst of this, though, God blessed me by offering me an opportunity to staff a retreat. It's called Encounter, and it's for freshmen and transfer students. I walked in very wound up (and even left a couple of times to finish up my work!), but I walked out feeling so fulfilled and at peace. I love that retreats really reveal God's love for us, and I'm so blessed I had the opportunity to be a table leader at the retreat. It's so much fun to guide these freshmen into the Catholic Student Association (and college!) by the hand and say, "Yeah, it's rough, but so worth it." Because it is. God's timing is just so perfect.

Retreaters and Staffers

My table :)

That same weekend was also our first football game. Everyone who retreated and staffed Encounter sat together, and it was a fun experience for all! We even won the game!! I like football, but I love fellowship between the students that fill the stands more.

Guns up!

Pals :)

West Texas sunsets (heart eyes)

The Encounter Gang

The second week of classes started, and, after evaluating my school schedule and talking to financial aid, I decided to drop a class. I'm actually pretty bummed about it because it was going to be so interesting (about West Texas music!), but I just didn't have the time with my education classes, future student teaching, Raider Awakening responsibilities, and TSTA officer duties to keep up with the reading and work involved. Hopefully I can take this class when it is offered again, but I am happy and relieved to have 3 extra hours off my plate.
Since dropping the class, I have been working hard, but feeling pretty good. The balance between school and my organizations is a little better now that school is getting into a pretty steady swing. Last weekend I made enough free time to hang out with friends a little more. The football game was offering a nice deal where tickets bought with a student ID were only $15, so Luke's dad and sister headed out here for a fun Saturday! An old friend from high school, Daniel, also made the trek to Lubbock, so the game ended up including all of us and Eddie and Martin.


Luke's little sister (AKA my mini me)

It's definitely different sitting in the non-student section (but for Luke's little sister's sake, that's ok!), but it was fun nonetheless. We could still chant our Fight Song and dance all we wanted, we were just hanging with an older crew of football lovers.
The next day Daniel, Luke, and I decided to have a laugh and take our tennis racquets for a spin. It's been about a year or longer since Daniel has played tennis, but we were all pretty rusty. We still had so much fun hanging out like old times though. I remember tennis tournaments like they were yesterday...


Buds :)

I feel like I blinked and now I'm here, at the end of September. Raider Awakening is right around the corner, and I'm so pumped! I, however, also have a lot of major projects due soon, so my mountain of homework continues to build. In fact, I should be reading the 150+ pages of reading due at my evening class (T-minus 70 minutes), but I decided to take a break and finally let my fingers click clack on my laptop. I start my classroom experience on October 4, so my blogs will be interesting (and very carefully written) these next few months.
As always, thanks for reading. And thank you for sticking with me during these rough semesters. Write you soon!


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