Chapter Thirty-Five: Moving In

It is almost midnight, and here I am, blogging.
Honestly, I think I have too much adrenaline to really wind down for awhile.
This morning started off with heavy rain, which was oddly appropriate for my departure. I said goodbye to the room that I have called my own for 10 years. I said goodbye to my guinea pig. I said goodbye to Jack. I said goodbye to our house.


The trip seemed long, but before I knew it, I was directing my dad on to campus. New students were taking pictures by the entrance, carts full of boxes were being rolled towards resident halls. This was it. My new home. 
Bailey, one of my suitemates (remember her??) moved in yesterday, so her stuff was pretty much put away. When I arrived, the floor was covered with building instructions and pieces of wood and nails. Kylie, my other suitemate, and her parents were unpacking and adjusting! This was the first time I had met Kylie, and I think we will get along just fine! 
My parents went and grabbed my stuff while I unpacked and organized whatever was in front of me. I. Love. Organizing. Secretly, I loved doing this. 
We kept unpacking and organizing and unpacking until finally, at 7:30, we thought dinner would be a good idea. I was so driven by my desire to organize that I completely forgot about eating. Of course, I was super grumpy, and that is always a sign that I need food....


I would say I'm officially moved into my dorm, but I still have quite a few things to buy/unpack. Yes! Can you believe it?? After I made up that long, long list I thought I had thought of everything. Sigh. Oh well!
I'm so, so excited to be here.
This is going to sound crazy, but my dorm is even SMALLER than I thought it would be!

Expectations are shown in the upper left, where as my reality is displayed in the other corners

Yes, it's cramped, but I think we can make this work. However, this whole moving thing is taking a lot more time and energy than I thought it would. I'm absolutely pooped! 
I will totally keep you guys updated and take pictures of my dorm once it's all decorated and cute!

Got a burning question about moving into a dorm? Ask it using my which is located in the right margin!


  1. The lovely thing about Tech, food is abundant on campus and right across the street. Have fun.

    1. Yes! I am so happy about all the food that is offered on campus...quite a variety. Some of my favorite places are right across the street, too!
      I will most definitely have fun! :)


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