Chapter One-Hundred-and-Fifteen: The Awkward Limbo of Young Adulthood

It's nearing the end of my fifth semester of college. I'm on the verge of advancing further in my program, taking a teaching certification exam, turning twenty-one, and looking at locations for a potential future job. It's strange to think about when I first started my adventure towards college, completely unaware of what I would find here. I've discovered many treasures, but I've also found many hard spots in my experiences. Being a young adult is nothing what I expected. At 16 years old, the idea of adulthood seems so tantalizing; it's so close and yet so far away. Visions of independence, freedom, and excitement surround the mind, tainting our view of life. " Just let me grow up already ," is a thought that occurs much too often...and yet, those couple of years that seemed so far, approach so fast. Before we know it, we're 18 years old, and on the way to graduation. We've either applied to college or university, joined the workfor...