Chapter One-Hundred-and-Eighteen: On A Dark and Stormy Night...

Last week, my post was revolved around my resolutions for 2017. So far, so good. Especially with writing...because, look, a new blog post!! Well, I was inspired last night to write another chapter in my blog. After it all happened, I literally said to my mother, "Well, this will make a good blog post." It all started when I was cleaning my room. It was after dinner time, and I had just finished sorting the last of my things. I was in a spring-clean mood and had a drive to rid my room of a lot of clutter. A couple of boxes and two trash bags of clutter, that is. Anyway, I had just moved all of this out of my room to begin packing and sorting for my impending drive back to Lubbock, when my radio suddenly stopped playing T-Swift and made a horrible, gut-wrenching noise. *WHAAAA WHAAAA* My heart stopped. I stopped, and turned towards my radio. Oh Okay After the National Weather Service told me that they were just testing their alarm system, I finally...