Chapter One-Hundred-and-Seventeen: Turning the Page

Well, here we are, eleven days into 2017.
2016 was quite a year. I started my blog posts in 2016 with resolutions to focus on for the new year. Looking back at my posts (as little as they are) I feel like I did a pretty good job of following through with the quote I chose by Mark Twain: "Life is short, break the rules. Forgive quickly, kiss slowly. Love truly, laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that makes you smile." My adventures ranged from celebrating birthdays (and a half-birthday for Bailey), taking classes that challenged as well as intrigued, living in the dorm and then transitioning into a house, two amazing Raider Awakenings, a poorly-timed but awesome concert, my first tattoo, my first out-of-state camping trip, getting my guinea pigs (!!), teaching real kids about real science, and so much more. The end of the year was no exception with adventures, either.

Very shortly after Christmas (on December 28), Luke and I went to Six Flags over Texas for Holiday in the Park. We got in for free thanks to his awesome step-sister who provided us the tickets...THANK YOU!! It was very fun. The whole park was adorned with holiday lights, decorations, and a festive music track. Unfortunately it was very crowded so we did not get to participate in many rides, but the best part of it all was spending time together anyway!

Wonderful centerpiece

Texas-inspired lights were everywhere

The first ride we decided on was Titan. In my childhood, coming to Six Flags was an annual event with my father. We would spend the morning at the dentist office and then use the rest of Dad's day off riding roller coasters and having fun on a daddy-daughter date. Of course Luke's childhood was a little different, so his experience with roller coasters was zilch. So, me being the wonderful and understanding girlfriend I am, decided the most intense coaster in the park was a great first choice. 
Well, he survived. I can't say he enjoyed it, so to speak, but he didn't throw up either, so that's good. Regardless, I got that adrenaline rush that I love while he got dizzy and was convinced he was a victim of G-LOC hypoxia. (Luke is like me where he likes to self-diagnose himself, which is another reason we're good together). We decided to break for dinner, which cured Luke for the most part of his mishap....though we didn't ride another intense coaster that night. 

We spent a lot of the night walking around, simply enjoying each other. We warmed up at the local fire pits and laughed about how awkward it was to be walking among so many middle-schoolers who were off from school. We rode a "new" ride, Battle for Metropolis. It rivaled Disney World with having an interactive line experience (watching videos, seeing animatronics, etc.), which impressed me to bits!! I am absolutely in love with animatronics, so this was very exciting for me! You can ask Luke just how excited I was when I saw Cyborg moving and talking!

Entrance to the ride

Cyborg! He told us about our mission we were to embark on

All in all, Luke and I had a magical date! We really enjoyed ourselves, especially because winter break makes it so hard for us to see each other. Merry Christmas (and a happy new year) from the both of us:

Fa la la la la la la la la

The very next morning my best friends and I gathered for brunch at Old West Cafe. Kimberly had heard loads of good things about the small restaurant, and it was all true! Great portions for small prices, and the taste doesn't disappoint. We all pretty much got the same thing (french toast, mmmm). After that we spent the afternoon together spending too much in the dollar section at Target, and then picking out new eye-glass frames for me. I love best friends; they make life so much more enjoyable and fun!

Yum Yum Yum

A couple of days later, on the eve of the new year, the Lane, Torres, and Heidema family all gathered under one roof to party one last time in 2016. Kimberly was able to come too! Tamales were eaten, birthday gifts were unwrapped, and champagne was popped. It was a very fun evening, especially with all the kiddos! After the kids' bedtimes passed and they were off to bed, Victoria came to join the party! Kimberly, Victoria, and I talked for about two hours and then passed out ourselves an hour into 2017. It's getting more and more evident we're getting older, especially since our sleepovers usually end around 11:00 PM. 


The new year hasn't held many new adventures as of now, which is expected considering we're only on day 11. I'm currently planning my birthday (which will be on the 20th) which is fun, but I'm also preparing for school. I've signed up to take the Texas Teacher Certification exam in the beginning of February, I've worked on some small details for the Teacher organization I'm in, and I've been busy with Raider Awakening, too. Oh, and don't forget my serving job at Red Lobster! 
Since the beginning of the year, I've also adapted a sort of "Bible Challenge"... it's set readings every day to ensure that I will read the entire bible by the end of this year! It's been great and fruitful so far, so I am very excited to continue this for the next...hmm...354 days. 

As well as reading the bible every day, I have a couple of resolutions for this next year. I know I said last year that I wasn't one to make resolutions often, but the idea of wanting to turn the page and create a new adventure is appealing and necessary for growth. 

Here are my resolutions for 2017:

  • Spend Less Time on my Phone
I have caught myself too many times checking my email at the dinner table with my family, checking texts I've missed while hanging out with friends, or wasting the day away by simply scrolling on Facebook or Twitter for hours. That needs to change. As someone who values the adventure and beauty of life, I think it's important I actually spend more time in reality than on the internet! In 2017, I'm going to live in reality. 

  • Be Active
I mean this in more than one sense. First, I have not worked out in a very long time, and would like to start up again. Two, I want to be more assertive and purposeful with my opportunities. I don't want to just take the easy way out - I want to learn and really get everything I can out of observing classrooms, leading bible studies, and being in a leadership position in multiple organizations. Third, I want to be more active in my relationships. I don't want to rely on holidays or birthdays to see others - I want to seek them out and go on dates or have small get-togethers. I want to build on my friendships to create more joy in life. In 2017, I want to live fully.
  • Travel
This past summer was great because I traveled distances ranging from Lufkin, TX to Hot Springs, AR. It gave me a taste of what it was like to travel. This summer, I am applying for the opportunity to study abroad in Seville, Spain. I've only been to nine states in my life - I've never even seen the North side of America! But this year I really want to breathe the world in. I want to see the Sun in a different perspective. I want to learn about others' culture and in turn get to better know my own culture. In 2017, I want to experience the world. 
  • Deepen my Faith
Y'all know I am in love with my faith. I've blogged numerous times about Raider Awakening, the retreat I work with every semester. Luke and I have been going to each other's churches every Sunday to spend time together in the presence of Jesus. A bible study next semester will be led by me and a partner (that I don't know yet!). I believe that my faith shouldn't be stagnant. I don't believe I should ever look at Jesus and say, "I'm done, because this is enough." This year I want to focus on deepening my faith. I want to visit Jesus in Adoration more, I want to attend Daily Mass more, I want to know the Word better, I want to know the history of The Church on a better scale, and, most of all, I want to put complete trust in God. All of this takes time, but this year, in 2017, I really want to focus on relying completely and solely on Him. 

  • Write
Duh!!! We all know my writing has been lacking, especially on my blog. I'm going to make a commitment to at least do 3 posts a month, because usually when I start writing I think of something to say. I also want to do more creative writing. Ever since I was little I would use journals to jot down novel ideas I would dream of in my amazing imagination. I haven't done that in awhile, but if I ever want to get a book published (which I do), I should probably start somewhere. Wish me luck on my journey of being a writer! In 2017, I'm not going to hold back - I will write!

That's all I have for now... I'm sure I'll think of more resolutions to work on this year, but whatever happens, I just hope I hold on to my optimism and joy. 
As always, thanks for reading. May 2017 be full of blessings and joy for all of you! God bless. 


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