Chapter One-Hundred-and-Thirty: Wrapping Up 2017

Hey guys!! I can't believe 2017 is already almost over (for some of you, it already is!). This has been quite the busy year - if you can't tell from my 3-month hiatus from blogging. Yikes, sorry. Anyway, I'm back and ready to review this past year with you! It all started with my first chapter in 2017, Chapter One-Hundred-and-Seventeen , where I set my resolutions for this past year. I won't say how well I did on my resolutions per say, but the cool thing about resolutions is that we can continue to work on them year after year! Haha, especially my last resolution, which was " write more ". Haha, oops. In January, I came back to Lubbock and celebrated my 21st birthday with lots of friends. It was a night that I will certainly remember (for the most part). What more could a girl ask for other than loving friends, amazing roommates, and an awesome potluck? In February, I found out that I had passed my first state test to be certified as a teache...