Chapter One-Hundred-and-Thirty: Wrapping Up 2017

Hey guys!! I can't believe 2017 is already almost over (for some of you, it already is!). This has been quite the busy year - if you can't tell from my 3-month hiatus from blogging. Yikes, sorry. Anyway, I'm back and ready to review this past year with you!
It all started with my first chapter in 2017, Chapter One-Hundred-and-Seventeen, where I set my resolutions for this past year. I won't say how well I did on my resolutions per say, but the cool thing about resolutions is that we can continue to work on them year after year! Haha, especially my last resolution, which was "write more". Haha, oops.

In January, I came back to Lubbock and celebrated my 21st birthday with lots of friends. It was a night that I will certainly remember (for the most part). What more could a girl ask for other than loving friends, amazing roommates, and an awesome potluck?

In February, I found out that I had passed my first state test to be certified as a teacher. Hooray!

March was quite an exciting month. My organization on campus, for the first time in a very long time, went to Austin for the annual conference! We took most of the officers as well as two members on a fun roadtrip across Texas to experience professional development with other future Texas teachers. We returned to Lubbock with not one, not two, but THREE awards!!

I also dyed my hair red and visited with an old childhood friend of mine. And I got my second tattoo!

Shortly after Spring Break was Raider Awakening 56! I was a staff head of over 50 wonderful workers, and the weekend was much needed after a tough week. Regardless, the weekend with beautiful people and Christ was absolutely phenomenal. 

Next came April, which brought Easter and a much-needed trip home to Dallas. I was surrounded by family, friends, and my wonderful guinea pigs!! 

In May, my blog turned a whopping 3 years old! Wow! The whole month was actually full of sentiments as we finished the spring semester, celebrated birthdays, new friendships, and a first year anniversary of my precious guinea pigs. 

In June, most of my time was spent working at Red Lobster, gathering tips in preparation for the next month. But, of course, my hair changed again. 

And then July, arguably the best month of the year. I traveled across the Atlantic ocean and out of the country for the first time to spend my ENTIRE JULY in Spain! And what a wonderful time that was. In fact, here's a video that sums up my experience... It was hard to keep it down to 10 minutes, but give me a break - it was 30 days of pure adventure. 

August started off with a bang, as I returned to Lubbock to be assigned to my full-year student-teaching placement. I met my mentor teacher, participated in professional development, and began the school year with the best kiddos around! 

In September, I attended my first (and last) football game as a Texas Tech undergraduate (because I simply never made it to another one in the season!). I also got to connect with my long-time roommate who went on amazing adventure mission trip for a whole year!!!!! Read her blog here.

In October was Raider Awakening #57, which was, of course, amazing! I just love that big ol' community!! I also dressed up as Ms. Frizzle for Halloween!

See my lizard on my shoulder?

In November, my Dad retired and I totally surprised him at his own party!!! We of course also had a great Thanksgiving with the entire family. 

And then last, December. We ended the fall semester with great grades and memories to take with us into the new year. I got to hang out with my best friends and drink some fancy tea. And I got to spend Christmas with my beautiful family (which includes my piggies!). 

And now, I'm sitting on the couch, sipping champagne with my parents as the ball drops in New York. What a year. 

And now: My Resolutions for 2018! 
  • Graduate from the greatest university in the world!! (May 2018)
  • Find my own apartment for me and my piggies (Fall 2018)
  • Start teaching some awesome middle school kids (Fall 2018)
  • Be grateful for something every day 
  • Be more comfortable with me as an independent person
  • Write! More!!

Thanks for an incredible year! I have to say, 2017 forced me to learn so much about myself and others. It was painful but necessary and has brought me so many blessings in disguise. Overall, a great trip around the Sun!!

Let's have a Great 2018! Happy New Year!!!


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