
Showing posts from July, 2014

Chapter Thirty-One: Time is like a Big Bowl of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff

It's the little things in life that make you realize everything isn't as simple as it seems. If you have been wondering where I have been for the past couple of days, blame college! I briefly mentioned in my last chapter  that I am taking a college course with my local community college this summer. It started about ten days ago, and my life has been turned upside down ever since. It was stressful enough planning and packing for my upcoming university experience (I'm moving out in less than a month!), but this summer course has really added the cherry on top. Accurate representation of my summer Seriously, though. I thought AP classes were fast. The speed in an AP class is NOTHING compared to a Summer II Session class. Now, I don't mean to scare everyone and make you dread college. No. Go to college. The reason why I am being such a wimp about this is: It's a Math Course (Trigonometry) Absolutely No Lecture Way Shorter Semester (Normal Semester is ar...

Chapter Thirty: Cow Appreciation Day

Happy July 11th! For my friends who don't know what this holiday is, it's Cow Appreciation Day. Mooo! Translation: "Dress like me. Get free chicken." If you know me at all, seen my room, or my backpack, you know that cows have a special place in my heart. And, luckily, my friends know this too, so this past Christmas, my best friend, Kimberly, gave me a Cow Onsie. Well, a Kigurumi, which is basically the Korean version of a onsie.  Me in January, wearing my onsie. Naturally, July 11 is a very special day to me now.  However, if you didn't know, I started my online math class July 9. Since I am learning a semester's worth of math in a little over 5 weeks, you can imagine just how jam-packed the curriculum is. It's not too bad, and I'm actually kind of enjoying learning on my own.  Anyway, I made a goal to finish a section of the chapter today, so I worked straight through lunch without even realizing it! When I finally finished, ...

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Parades, Fireworks, and Merchant of Venus

For all of my American friends: Happy Independence Day! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Fourth of July weekend. I sure had a great time! I started the holiday by heading over the the Heritage District with my dad to see the annual parade. I think I might have seen this before when I was like, 6, but recently Fourth of July's have been spent indoors, cleaning in anticipation of visiting family. So, even though it was pretty hot and sunny, it was fun to bathe in the sun and see all the patriotism. Respect And, surprise surprise, my boyfriend, Luke was in the parade, too. I saw him, which is most important, but my snapshot skills were a bit slow that day, so this was the best picture I got.... Those calves tho. Since Dad only came to see the Fire Department (which led the parade) and I only came to see Luke (who was about third in the line up) we decided to ditch the parade early. Real patriotic, I know . I was lucky enough to be invited by Luke's Step-Fat...

Chapter Twenty-Eight: New Blog

I'm sure you have noticed, but look at my new blog!! Ooooooh Shiny! So, while you're here, let me take you on my blog tour!  If you look above, I have changed the theme color from red to purple . If you look at the background, you will see my absolute favorite movie displayed. *Ahem* Tangled. Minimized version of my background. And, if you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can see my updated bio and profile picture. :)  And, most important of all, if you look to your right, you can see my Question Box!  This is a picture. Don't try and click on it... So, this is a really cool application I put here (all by myself!) that will send me your questions! This might not be too useful now, but when I am in college and my whippersnapper friends have some burning questions, here I am! I will be featuring questions every time I post a chapter, so don't be shy!  The only downfall to this application is that it will ask you to sign...