Chapter Thirty: Cow Appreciation Day

Happy July 11th!
For my friends who don't know what this holiday is, it's Cow Appreciation Day. Mooo!

Translation: "Dress like me. Get free chicken."

If you know me at all, seen my room, or my backpack, you know that cows have a special place in my heart. And, luckily, my friends know this too, so this past Christmas, my best friend, Kimberly, gave me a Cow Onsie. Well, a Kigurumi, which is basically the Korean version of a onsie. 

Me in January, wearing my onsie.

Naturally, July 11 is a very special day to me now. 
However, if you didn't know, I started my online math class July 9. Since I am learning a semester's worth of math in a little over 5 weeks, you can imagine just how jam-packed the curriculum is. It's not too bad, and I'm actually kind of enjoying learning on my own. 
Anyway, I made a goal to finish a section of the chapter today, so I worked straight through lunch without even realizing it! When I finally finished, it was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. But, hey, it's always a good time for free food. So, I put my onsie and headed over to the nearest Chick Fila. 
Okay, don't get me wrong, I am quite a social butterfly, but walking into a public place wearing a cow suit made me feel EXTREMELY nervous. So, when I arrived and parked, I had to gather myself in my truck. Breathe in and out. Stop shaking. 
I jumped out and walked into the store and was instantly the center of attention. I felt red beneath all my black and white spots. And it was hot in the onsie, too. 

"We got a cow, folks!" An employee said.
"What a cute costume!" A random lady said, feeling the material.
"That's what I call a cow costume! I love it!" An enthusiastic employee said. 
"Can I take your order?" Another employee asked.

I ordered a classic #1 to go, and headed out back to my car. I smiled at people as I passed...Yes! I'm dressed as a cow and I got a sandwich! For Free!!!
But there was a problem. 
I didn't have my keys. 
"What if I left them in the store?!" I silently panicked. I had a bad feeling that the keys were not in the store...or anywhere tangible. That's when my eyes caught a slight glimmer of light in the cup holder in my truck. 
I locked myself out of my car. 
In a cow costume. 


Can you imagine? This random cow in a parking lot looking inside a car as if just staring inside hard enough will grant access to the interior of the car...what an image
So, what would you do?
I called my mother. 
Mom: "Hello?"
Me: "MOM"
Mom: "Hello?"
Mom: "Yes.......why?"
Mom: *Loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear* "YOU LOCKED YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR CAR???
Mom: "Yes, but you'll have to wait at Chick Fila for awhile."

I guess I caught some attention (I have no idea why) because two Chick Fila employees approached me, asking if I had locked myself out of my car. One of them had multiple fishing poles, hoping that could unlock my truck...but my truck is an older model, and a fishing pole probably couldn't do the trick. I assured them I had someone coming, and followed them inside the Chick Fila. Guess my order wasn't To-Go after all. 
While eating my deliciously free sandwich, a man came inside the restaurant demanding discounts for Cow Appreciation Day. However, from what I could tell, he didn't look like a cow at all. 

Manager: "Look at these cows here," she said, pointing to a cute cow couple, "this is what would get you a-"
Man: "But look!" He shouted, pointing to his arm, laughing. "I'm not black and white, I'm a brown cow!
Manager: "No, that's not going to get you a discount here," she said, smiling. "But Cow Appreciation Day ends when we close, so you have plenty of time to go home, get some cow decor, and come back!"
Man: "I'm not coming back," said the man sternly.
Manager: "Okay, sir, it was a pleas-"

Shut up!

I was so stunned! That was a grown man, but he was acting like a child! Props to the manager, because she handled the situation very well. 
Anyway, shortly after this, my mother and sister rescued me from my own stupidity. (THANK YOU!!) 
Mom handed me the spare key (and my keys) and said, "I unlocked it for you." 
"Thank you!!!" I exclaimed. I skipped over to my truck, unlocked the passenger side, and breathed in the refreshing, hot air of my baking car. I piled my purse, cow costume (I had taken it off, it was so hot), and closed the door to head over to the driver's side. 
When I realized I didn't have my keys.
Or the spare key. 
I looked inside the car and saw not one, but two keys sitting inside. 
Luckily, my mom and sister had JUST REVERSED OUT OF THE PARKING SPACE. They were looking at me with mouths open. Probably thinking: "Is she drunk?!" I was wondering, too. 


My sister handed me mom's key ring, which had a truck key on it, and I, ashamed, went to go unlock the door again. I gave the keys back and they didn't leave until they saw me turn the ignition.
All in all, everything turned out. I got a free meal!! FREE!!! 


Nadiyaabdul Asks: "What is your favorite comeback story?"
Answer: This might seem odd, but my absolute favorite comeback story is how countries, specifically Germany and Japan, rebuilt their countries after the devastation of WWII. With war comes destruction, mostly destruction of beauty that can never be replaced again. Art, architecture, history...can so easily be destroyed. That really saddens me.

Soalover2 Asks: "Do you think it is ever a good idea to get back with an ex?"
Answer: Wow, love advice already! I'm so honored. 
Well, it really depends on why you broke up in the first place. If it was over a text, then you could try again. If it was over something more serious, like questionable morality, NO. Because the likelihood it changed is very slim. But...if you broke up in the first place, maybe there is a reason for that....

Got a burning question? Ask it by using my app, which is located in the right margin.


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