Chapter Twenty-Eight: New Blog

I'm sure you have noticed, but look at my new blog!!

Ooooooh Shiny!

So, while you're here, let me take you on my blog tour! 
If you look above, I have changed the theme color from red to purple.
If you look at the background, you will see my absolute favorite movie displayed. *Ahem* Tangled.

Minimized version of my background.

And, if you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can see my updated bio and profile picture. :) 
And, most important of all, if you look to your right, you can see my Question Box! 

This is a picture. Don't try and click on it...

So, this is a really cool application I put here (all by myself!) that will send me your questions! This might not be too useful now, but when I am in college and my whippersnapper friends have some burning questions, here I am! I will be featuring questions every time I post a chapter, so don't be shy! 
The only downfall to this application is that it will ask you to sign up if you don't want to be labeled as "Anonymous." I don't think you want emails from this company, so if you want your name to be featured, write your question, and then your name. I will totally feature you!! 
In other news, I have nearly 2,000 views on my blog. Guys!! That is amazing!! Thank you so much. It honestly means so much that you are interested in what I am typing. Thank you. 

And now...some questions


Anonymous Asks: "HOW WUZ UR DAY" 
Answer: Great, actually. I had a ton of fun with some of my friends at the pool today! I got really sunburned though, which is quite a bummer. 

Gadek697 Asks: "Are you a competitive person?" 
Answer: Hmm... It depends. Sometimes. Sports? No. Choir? No. Games with the family? YES. 

Answer: Actually, yes!! Usually I wake up a lot but last night was great...I had a vivid dream too. I was a mermaid...which was pretty cool. 

Answer: Puggy. 

Anonymous Asks: "R U BUSY?" 
Answer: I convince myself I am. But I usually stress about nothing...


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