Chapter Seventy: I Dyed Easter Weekend

Happy April and Happy Easter! Golly, this semester is really blowing by. I can't believe we have a little over a month until I'm done with my first year at college!! I can still easily remember feeling scared and excited in August...and here I am, best friends with my roommates...and we know what we are doing (kind of...).
April started off with a bang, since the first is April Fool's Day! I've never been too good at pranking people, but Mary had been planning something for a very long time. We decided to Cage Bailey. According to "Know Your Meme," Caging is defined as a type of practical joke that involves taping photographic prints of the American actor Nicolas Cage to someone else's room or belongings without knowledge or consent. So, while Bailey was out and about (at class) we taped Nicolas Cage around her desk area, giggling the entire time.

Nicolas Cage/Pocahontas

Nicolas Cage/Miley Cyrus on The Clock

Nicolas Cage feat. textbooks

Nicolas Cage feat. whiteboard

The best part about this prank is that Bailey keeps finding them, even after April Fool's Day. She didn't find the Nicolas Cage on her cereal box until she decided to have it for breakfast. And she didn't find the Nicolas Cage on her window until she peeked through the blinds. 
My personal favorite is the Nicolas Cage Mary placed in Bailey's waterbottle. She didn't find it until I asked her about washing instructions with the cap. The reaction was priceless.

That next weekend was the weekend of Easter. Since home is a bit far away for me, I decided to go home with Bailey and spend the holiday with her and her family. However, we left on Friday, which, before Easter, is Good Friday. This is a very special day because, in my faith, it is the day we reflect on the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. Normally, I go to a Good Friday service where we venerate the cross. Since this service was going to be when I was at home with Bailey, I had to figure out which service to go to. 
At 6:00, there was a service called "Veneration of the Cross" 
At 7:00, there was a service called "The Passion"
Well, after reviewing the titles and such with my Catholic roommate, it was decided that the service I needed was the 6:00 one. That was our first mistake. 
Bailey and I left Lubbock a little later than planned, so we were running a little late. Bailey decided that since the church is across town from her house, that dropping me off before actually going home would be best. So, we finally get to the church and we say our goodbyes. The first thing I notice is that there are very few cars in the parking lot. 

Me: "Are you sure this is the church?" 
Bailey: "It's the only Catholic church we have." 
Me: "Okay..."

So I get into the church, and I notice a couple more things. One, it's dark. Two, there are, like, maybe five people here. And Three, the little booklets in the pews were in Spanish. 
Don't panic, I told myself as I checked the church's website for the third time. It's about four minutes before 6:00 when a man comes to the front of the church. He opens his mouth and all I hear are foreign words. Spanish words. I took two years of Spanish in high school, but that doesn't mean I can actually speak/understand the language. I stared blankly back at him. 
Okay, this isn't bad, I think to myself, trying to calm my heart rate. I've been to Latin mass, which I didn't understand fully either. I mean, the good thing about the Catholic church is that mass is very similar no matter where you go. 
Well, then everybody starts leaving the church.   
I whipped by head back to see the church slowly empty as people exit. This was when I realized I wasn't in Kansas anymore...but I wasn't just going to sit there! I followed the crowd outside of the church. While walking outside, I texted Bailey:

Me: Bailey? Is this a Spanish church?
Bailey: Yes, but they have English things?!
Bailey: Is it all in Spanish?!
Me: They just spoke Spanish to me and everyone here...
Bailey: OMG! 
Bailey: Do you want me to come get you?
Me: Yes please save me
Bailey: Ok! I just got home so I'm coming!
Me: Okay, like, I'm walking outside with everyone so
Bailey: I'm so sorry, Sarah! 
Me: I'm like on this residential street with this group of people and a giant cross. Can't miss us. 

Yes, people. I was walking with this group of people I don't even know, down a street I don't know, in a town I don't know. I would say I was lost, but I think confused is a better adjective. However, the more I walked (about two blocks) I realized that the Knights of Columbus were taking turns carrying the cross, like Jesus did, and everyone was praying the Rosary (Sorrowful Mysteries) in Spanish. Although I couldn't understand what they were saying, I knew what they were praying. 

I'm in red pants. #Awkward

Bailey and her mom rescued me when I think it was just about over. Like I said, I think the service was beautiful...I just wasn't in the right place at the right time! (or speaking the right language!)

My Easter weekend was full of cooking, baking, dying eggs, egg hunting, playing games, watching TV, doing homework, petting dogs, and chatting with Bailey's family. I had so much fun in her little town and spending so much time with the Pittmans. If you don't believe me, here is some proof that I really had a blast:

Truffle Making

I'm in love with the Coco(nut).

Lilly the dog feat. me

Easter Eggs!

We dyed our eggs a little differently. Instead of using the traditional method of vinegar and food dye, we used whipped cream and dye! For the full tutorial click here. The eggs turned out so cool...they almost looked like we watercolored them! 

We really like our eggs!

All in all it was a great Easter weekend. I will neither confirm nor deny that Bailey and I drank chocolate milk at midnight on Easter Sunday....But if we did, it was delicious and totally worth the wait (all 40 days of it). 

Thanks for making this such a great Easter, roomie! (and family!)

Other than registration issues for classes in the fall, the occasional stressful day, and grocery store trips, everything is pretty much the same over here. Mary and I actually studied outside yesterday because it was so really makes studying more entertaining. Besides, we even got a compliment for doing so! If the weather permits, I seriously recommend studying outside. If it's raining...Mmmm, better not. 

Thanks for reading! And if you missed my last post about What We Wish We Knew Before College, just click here! 


  1. I love this post!! I'm so glad you had a great time with my family!


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