Chapter Eighty-Six: First Day(s) of School

Last year, when school started, I was a mixture of excitement, anxiety, and coconut-scented shampoo. I carefully planned my First Day outfit and packed my bright pink backpack with everything I could think of the night before. I spent most of the night twiddling my thumbs wondering what the next nine months would hold for me. This year was a little different. This year, on the first day of school... I was running late . I was excited, don't get me wrong, but I guess I was a little too relaxed in the morning. I'm just glad the biology building is literally 2 minutes from my dorm. I started the week off with my two biology courses (Biology of Plants and Biology of Animals). The professors seem great, easy to understand, and are really, genuinely interested in the course. One of my professors had to be found by an assistant 15 minutes into class (they found him wandering around in the building). I really like this professor because technology confuses him, he loses his train o...