Chapter Eighty-Six: First Day(s) of School

Last year, when school started, I was a mixture of excitement, anxiety, and coconut-scented shampoo. I carefully planned my First Day outfit and packed my bright pink backpack with everything I could think of the night before. I spent most of the night twiddling my thumbs wondering what the next nine months would hold for me.
This year was a little different. This year, on the first day of school...I was running late.
I was excited, don't get me wrong, but I guess I was a little too relaxed in the morning. I'm just glad the biology building is literally 2 minutes from my dorm. I started the week off with my two biology courses (Biology of Plants and Biology of Animals). The professors seem great, easy to understand, and are really, genuinely interested in the course. One of my professors had to be found by an assistant 15 minutes into class (they found him wandering around in the building). I really like this professor because technology confuses him, he loses his train of thought often, and his smile and love for teaching lights up the entire dim room. I think I'll enjoy both of my biology classes very much!

New Adventures Await

Monday evening, Mary, Nikki (Mary's little sister), Luke, and I headed over to our Seal to take some very necessary first-day pictures! This was mostly done because mothers love pictures, and what better First-Day photo than one in front of our Seal? Besides, we actually really love our school.

Our Beautiful Campus Entrance

Silly Mary

Gun's Up!

Tuesday/Thursday days are a little difficult. I have three classes back-to-back that are in buildings quite far from each other. Let's just say my legs will hopefully be very toned by the end of the semester! I begin the day at 9:30 am with my Honors class in Animation and Modern Art. I mostly took this class for the Animation aspect (Hello, Disney!), but hopefully this class will be informational in both aspects and broaden my perspective of art in general. After that I have Elementary Analysis II which seems harmless but is really an applied calculus course for future math teachers! I didn't do so hot in calculus in high school, but hopefully the experience from my senior year will help me in this course. (In other words, pray for me!). Oddly enough, after Elementary Analysis II, I have Elementary Analysis I (it's just how my schedule worked out). This class is all about looking at math problems and evaluating all the different ways these problems can be solved. Hopefully this will help me with my own math skills as well as help me explain math better in the future.

1/5 of my calendar/planner stash

One of my only regrets my freshman year is not getting involved in campus life. I joined one organization but I really didn't do a whole lot other than school. This year I am changing things for the better and joining two main organizations. I'll also be a lot more involved in the Raider Awakening program (Bailey, Luke, and Nikki will be retreating sometime soon!) for the rest of my college career. I'm so excited to volunteer in the community, get connected with future (and current) teachers, and maybe even join the Catholic Co-Ed Fraternity (Why go Greek when you can go Roman?). It may be a little busy at times, but I'm so excited to be a part of things I love.

Raider Awakening #52

So far my week has been pretty good...I'm looking forward to a great semester! My room is 96% complete, so pictures of our dorm will come very soon! This blog is a little shorter than most, but I really wanted to take some time to write a little bit. This is truly what I love! Thank you for reading and see you next time!


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