Chapter Eighty-Three: Life's a Beach

August has dawn upon us. August is the month that we begin to realize summer is ending: ads begin to show up in our magazines, newspapers, videos, TV screens that remind us that school is coming, and we need supplies. It's a bittersweet month, honestly. Some of us dread going back (shout out to all the elementary school kids being dragged to Target), while others are smiling toward the future of another great year.
A.K.A. Sarah is excited it's August.
In the last chapter, I discussed my family vacation on the coast. We recently returned from our lovely vacation, so I'd like to continue the saga of Sun Kisses. (Read Part I and Part II first!)

Kim, Victoria, and I actually vacationed to the beach with my family 3 years ago. We took these brilliant pictures with my camera I got for my thirteenth birthday that had a self timer...

Since the coast faces the East, the sunrise is quite a sight on the water (and a wonderful opportunity for pictures). We woke up for the sunrise again this year, and captured our silhouettes once more.

I particularly love this photo because, not only has my photo editing improved, but our friendship has, too. We don't share a pair of pants like the Sisterhood, but we do share a wonderful bond that will not erode with time. Every time I look into their faces I see Christ, and am reminded of what beautiful women I have befriended. Thank God. 
We enjoyed the sunrise thoroughly. Truly breathtaking. 

We also made a habit of witnessing the sunset...walking along the beach is always a good choice, especially during moments like these. While the families packed up their cars and reluctant children, my girls and I walked along the shore and talked about everything and nothing in between (and took some pictures).

Friday was our last day on vacation, so we spent as much time as possible on the beach. The kids loved it (for the most part), as did my friends. We sailed and kayaked and swam and relaxed to our hearts' content. 

Kim and Victoria preparing to set sail

If you squint hard enough you can see them

Victoria bidding Kim farewell on her Kayak Adventure

In the blink of an eye, the week-long vacation had ended. It was perfect. A wonderful time together as family and friends before we head back to school. We are definitely a mixture of excited and not-so-excited, but we know in our hearts it's for the best. 
Besides, we are best friends and will always be there to hear about the awesome classes, crazy professors, horrific group projects, and life-changing books. Whether it's on the coast during sunset or over Skype at midnight, every conversation is meaningful and all-together wonderful. 

Adventure is Out There!

The day after I returned, I reunited with Luke. We attended a church service that had his mother play harp and Oh-My-Gosh what a treat! So graceful. After the service, we had a sweet lunch at Corner Bakery (the cookies are de-lish), and then headed to the Lane House. We cleaned my guinea pig cage, watched Sherlock (BBC), and washed cars. Real romantic, right?


"Sorry I sprayed you"

The cars look great thanks to Luke and yours truly. We're considering opening a car-washing business, but since it took us quite a while to wash two cars, we might not last long. 

Summer has been great (and hot), but school is on my mind! I'll be revising my What to Pack for College list and be posting a new list soon, so stay posted! 


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