Chapter Eighty-Nine: October Fun...Has Just Begun!

Happy Halloween! Well...not yet....but since it's October, it's basically Halloween. I'm not sure what I'll be for Halloween this year (it's usually a last-minute decision), but no matter what, I'm sure Halloween will be great! In fact, this whole month is packed with exciting events.
Before we start with October, though, let's backtrack to the end of September.
September 26, 2015 to be exact.
This wasn't just any Saturday, no, it was game day. Oh, but not just any game day...Game Day against Texas Christian University.
Many students, alumni, and Red Raiders alike felt very strongly about this game. In fact, when Esther and I arrived to the game two hours early, within 30 minutes, the entire student section was full. It was cramped, a little sweaty, but definitely an exciting experience!

To the Right

To the Left

Take it back now y'all (Esther and I)

We learned our lesson from the last couple of games and wore a cap to protect our heads from being exposed to the sun. We were also thankful for our hats when massive raindrops began falling from the sky! 

Rain or Shine, we still support our Red Raiders!

Usually the rain scares the fans off, but we all stayed. We screamed louder. We kept going. I was so proud of the students for staying the whole half-time, Carolina joined the fun. 


We had so much fun in the student section. The outcome was such a heartbreaker: TTU 52 - TCU 55. Oh man, but what a game!! I'm so blessed to be a Red Raider.

My Beautiful Campus

The following weekend, a large group of us went on an adventure of the LHUCA for the First Friday Art Trail. My roommates and I have attended these before, but this time we had Nikki, Esther, and Celia. The art was, as always, interesting and served as great conversation-starters! 

First Friday Art Trail doesn't just have art...We had the awesome opportunity to watch a beautiful dance outside, see medical students' photography, and even draw on the sidewalk!

Celia and I drawing what we care about (Pugs and the Earth)

Overall we had a great time together. The Friday Art Trails are always fun because looking at art provides such a stress-relief (especially with good friends).

The Crew

Fun Times

We decided to meet up again the next day (this time with Bailey) to walk around the mall and see what shops the mall has available (We've never made it past Forever 21). This "mall crawl" wasn't as successful as we had hoped, since we stopped at nearly every single store we passed. We explored a good 2/3 of the mall...we will have to continue our adventure another time!
Apparently we can't get enough of each other, because on Sunday (the next day), after Mass we all met up at I Luv Pho (Vietnamese Cuisine Restaurant). We had a large group that consisted of Bailey, Cole (Bailey's brother), Mary, Esther, Luke, and Nikki. Pho is one of my favorite foods, so yummy food and great friends will always yield a wonderful time.

White Chicken Breast Pho

Friends :)

Now, I know ya'll are wondering about my multitudes of pets. I didn't take any photos of Phoebe this week because I really don't like her anymore. Farore (the plant) is doing's even formed some buds! I can't wait until it blooms!

Happy Plant!

Plant lab has actually been really interesting and fun! This past week we extracted DNA from a strawberry. I did this experiment in middle school (or early High School... I don't remember exactly...) and it was just as cool. I thought I would show ya'll a picture:

The white bubbles is actually strings of DNA coiled together...Pretty interesting and cool. Hopefully I can do this easy and relatively cheap experiment with my future students!

Now my Frogs...
I am sad to say that Puni-Puni (the larger of the two frogs) died on September 30. Tiny Tim (the smaller one) was a little sad that he didn't have his friend anymore, but quickly recovered. I have decided not to purchase another frog simply because Tiny Tim seems to be doing so well on his own. He still sings at night, and even swims up to the edge of the tank when I come in from class. I'm very sad I didn't get to get to know Puni-Puni that well, but perhaps it was for the best. 

I Spy a Tiny Tim...

Hello There!

While I definitely do not have pet rabbits, I did run into one on the way to class the other day! It was right before I took a test, too. I didn't get close enough to rub its foot for good luck, but I'm pretty sure having a rabbit cross your path is good luck on its own. 

Chewing on some Grass, Having a Good Time

This weekend was Homecoming! This means parades, bonfires, football, and more football. However, I didn't participate in many Homecoming activities because....Mom visited me!!

Mom and I ready for Game Day!

While we didn't participate in the traditional Homecoming activities, we did have our spirit! For the first time this semester, I had the chance to watch Goin' Band perform in the Band Lot, right before they march over to the stadium. Since Mom and I didn't have to worry about grabbing seats, we watched the whole Fan performance. It was so fun for both Mom and I! Besides, it gave me a chance to give Luke some good luck before his first Pre-Game Performance.


During the game, Mom and I worked on homework (boo) and then went out to one of my favorite places: Clay Cafe! We made some future gifts for some special people, and I cannot wait to see how they turn out! We had so much fun painting and chatting with each other. 

Creativity Shows!

After that Mom and I had a very short, but very sweet, Skype call with the family back home. It was fun to see everyone again, even if it was in a hot car through a cell phone screen. 
Mom and I ended the day at Red Lobster. We indulged on crab and shrimp (Mom even had a margarita!) and chatted about our wonderful day, and what we should do the next time Mom visits. 

This weekend was so wonderful with my mother, I wish it lasted longer! I can't wait until Thanksgiving break, but I still have a-ways to go. Many adventures are planned throughout the month, and I will do my best to keep y'all updated! Thanks for reading. 


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