Chapter One-Hundred-and-Four: How A Concert Broke a Long-Time Barrier

There is a phrase that has circulated within my generation, and I'm not sure if it's considered "dead" yet or not...but what I'm talking about is YOLO. I'm not exactly sure where YOLO stemmed from, but I do know Drake has a song that brings it up.
Anyway, YOLO stands for "You Only Live Once". This phrase has been quoted numerous times when doing something that will most likely be regretted the next day (or minute, depending on how stupid the said action is...). Okay, so why am I bringing this up here?
While I do think this phrase is used in ways that aren't always good or smart, I do think there is some truth to it. We should value the life we've been given, and use it while we can. I think too often we allow our precious seconds to pass by without much thought.
This past semester has been quite a roller coaster. I've spent a lot of time in my room (or coffee shop) studying, I've spent a lot of time attending meetings, and I've spent a lot of time really passing up fun. Don't get me wrong, I've still had fun here and there, but I often find myself slinking away from the occasional, seemingly time-consuming entertainment.
But, things change.
A couple of weekends ago, I decided to take a risk.
Mary, Nikki, Martin, and I all decided we wanted to take a break from school and have a little fun. However, this "little fun" literally took up our entire weekend. I have to admit, it was a "YOLO" moment, but I happily have no regrets.
On April 29, we all packed a weekend's worth of clothes and some books into my car and headed East to Dallas for 6 hours. We stayed at my house (Thank you Mom and Dad!) and attempted to study...but just had an evening of excited chatter and soft music.
The next morning, we drove another forty minutes and arrived to Edgefest, the event we had risked a lot for.

Walking into the Stadium

Energized and Ready for a Great Day!

Edgefest is an annual, all-day concert festival hosted by a metroplex radio station - 102.1 The Edge. I've grown up listening to this station (Dad would play it in the car often), and enjoy the weird, alternative, edgy music that frequents this station. Nikki, Mary, and Martin also enjoy the same genre (or multiple genres), and had actually all attended an Edgefest two years ago. 
When the question "should we go?" first popped up, I didn't think I would go. First of all, it was during the school year, in fact, right before finals season. Second, it was a huge commitment since it takes 5-6 hours to get to Dallas. Third, how much money and time am I willing to shovel out for a weekend concert festival?
However, as the semester went on, through the good and bad, I realized I was lacking a huge aspect in life: stress-free fun. I was going out, but had a dark cloud over my head, reminding me of all the responsibilities I was avoiding, and how much homework I have, and how horrible I was doing in astronomy. I felt lost this semester. Honest. I wasn't my happy, go-lucky self. I was stressed, pressed, and worried about tests (ha). 
Edgefest broke a barrier for me. I know, I's just a music festival...but it really opened a door for me. It showed me I can have fun. It showed me that making time outside of school to experience good music with truly great friends is possible, and necessary for my sanity. 

Nothing but Thieves

CHVRCHES (a new favorite band of mine!)


The 1975

We saw and heard a lot of different bands, some familiar and some new. We were in the pit for seven (eight for Martin) of these bands (The Struts, Nothing but Thieves, CHVRCHES, X-Ambassadors, Bastille, The 1975, Cage the Elephant, etc... See the full line up here.) and we had the time of our lives. It was hot, we were sweaty, and spent too much money on overpriced water and food, but that doesn't change the fact that we had a lot of fun.

The Crew!

I also saw Kimmy, my best friend!!

The next morning, after Mass, we headed back to Lubbock. Martin, Nikki, and I all had tests that following Monday (Sorry Mom and Dad, I didn't tell you :) ), but we all felt like the weekend was worth whatever was ahead of us. 
I haven't given much advice in a long time on this blog, but I'm going to leave you with this: make time for fun! I don't think "YOLO" is the way to go, but living life is so much more than stressing about tests and grades and money. Life is about finding what makes us unique. Life is about using our gifts for the greater good. Life is about finding peace and value in what we have been given, and being aware of how precious it all is. 
Life doesn't have to be crazy and chaotic. Find your muse and rock your world.

I had my last couple of classes today, and finals start Thursday. In this time of stress, be sure to remember how human we are. Sleep, don't over-do the caffeine, and make some time for some fun!! Good luck kiddos. 


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