Chapter One-Hundred-and-Twenty: On the Brink
It's that feeling you get right before you jump. When you're on the edge of the diving board, peering down at the rippling water. Or that feeling when you're on the front seat of the roller coaster, and you feel the cart begin to tip towards the drop. Or when you're about to step on the stage and feel the heat of the spotlight. It's that feeling in your core that keeps your feet planted on the ground while your heart is full of feathers and ready to take flight. On February 10th, I found out that I had passed my teacher certification test. This means that not only can I move forward in my degree program, but it also means that I am certified to teach 4th-8th grade students math and science. Before I took my test, I was unbelievably nervous. My college experience has been grand, but it has had its fair share of doubts and downfalls. I've failed tests, doubted my abilities, and stayed awake at night asking God, "Is this really what You want of me?...