Chapter One-Hundred-and-Nineteen: Birthday Pals

Well January has come and gone. I am a little behind on my resolution to write three blog posts a month, but maybe February is the month where I catch up. is the shortest month, so cut me some slack if I, erm, slack!

Last we left off I was on the brink to return to school. Well, despite the dramatic storm that hit my hometown, everyone was okay. The pigs and I packed up a couple days later and headed back to Lubbock, TX to start the spring semester. Upon my return, I came home to both of my roommates, Nikki and Mary, rearranging their rooms. This was funny because I had actually planned to rearrange my room, too. New year, New room?
Anyway, the semester started on a Thursday which was strange in its own sense. I was glad that we didn't have a lot of school days to attend upon our return, but I admit that I kind of wished we had just started on a Monday so my whole week didn't feel off! Anyway, this semester is education-packed for me! I'm enrolled in Classroom Management, Classroom Assessment, Teaching Math, and Teaching Science - not to mention that I will be once again in the field with the kiddos twice a week! Can you tell I'm an education major? This semester I will be in eighth grade wish me luck!

I needed this for work at 8 am...

The weekend after school started was the big Twenty-One for me! Aaahh I now have the freedom to drink cabernet sauvignon while dining over prestigious ramen noodles. What a life.
The Eve of my 21st was spent with some of my great friends watching the movie La La Land. While I was a little bummed that I couldn't order an "adult milkshake" at the Alamo Draft House, I did have an absolute wonderful time with my friends. The movie ended around 11:45 pm, but everyone stayed just so they could sing happy birthday to me at midnight.

Look at me and my pals!

To celebrate my birthday, my friends took me out to Red Lobster. After serving probably hundreds of alcoholic beverages to my guests, I was so curious to see if they were actually worth the money! (also I get a 20% discount). Well, after trying both the Triple Berry Sangria and the Bahama Mama, I gotta say that my birthday celebration was fantastic - even if I did find out that my wonderful 20% discount does not apply to alcohol. Pooey.

Cheers to my other legal friend

My Pretty Bahama Moma

The 21st was another big day for me. Mary, Nikki, and I were hosting a small kickback with a few friends. Before I left home, Mom supplied me with many party favors, but Mary and I had to raid Dollar Tree for decorations. By the afternoon there were balloons scattered throughout the house, streamers over the windows, and music playing over speakers. Mary and Nikki even made the cutest backdrop for perfect birthday pictures. Only for $9!


The kickback went as smooth as it could go. People trailed in and out, we played games, and overall had a great time. Some of my friends even brought me presents (presents wrapped in paper brown bags).

Even my guinea pigs made it to the party!

The OG crew


I was so happy with how everything turned out. The whole get-together was relaxed and fun, and I couldn't have done it without my awesome roommates. While I don't think we want to host parties for the rest of our lives...I'm just saying that we're definitely the hostests with the mostests, haha!

Black looks good on us

After my amazing weekend, I had to return to a full week of school. Like I said before, it is education-packed. I am enjoying my classes so far, especially my Teaching Math/Science classes, so we will see what I learn in (and out of) the classroom! I am especially enjoying the fact that I am taking the classes with the same people. Now that we've endured some courses together, we're sticking together like glue...lucky for me they're all pretty great.

Other than that, nothing much has been happening on my end. The semester is off to a great start as I am keeping my assignments in check, my planner organized, clubs up-to-date, and even going out with friends when I have time! I am doing my best to maintain my internal peace, something I struggle with, and so far so good.

My latest date with Luke went kinda like this:

Haha! What can I say - couples who eat together, stay together.

As always, thanks for reading. Write you soon!


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