Chapter One-Hundred-and-Twenty-Nine: Back to Eleven Years Old

Happy September!
The school year is in full swing now - we are brushing up on our third week. It's hard to believe that it's only the third week! In some ways, it feels like I've been in school forever, but that's probably because I started professional development early August. Then again, it also feels like I've hardly been in school because I'm consistently realizing how much more I have to learn!
Before I continue with my blog, I do want to let you know that my ability to share information about my school experiences will be limited. It is vital to protect students' identities, and I can't risk sharing too much information on my public blog! That being said, I can share some funny stories here and there, but your glimpse into my classroom will be very limited. While I'm sad I can't share these moments with you, I think this will help me personally grow and appreciate all moments with my little ones!
A few short days after returning from Spain, I hopped into my car and drove to Lubbock. Professional Development for Lubbock ISD started very early this year, so while I was sad to leave Mom and Dad (and Jack) yet again, I was anxious to start off the year at my new school!

Representing my new school!

My team won the game at Professional Development!

Professional Development was a whole new experience for me. From 8:00 am - 4:00 pm we were either in a library lecture, in our classroom planning and decorating, or at a district-wide event. In those three weeks, I nose-dived into the world of professional education. The topics covered were both review and completely new - it's incredible to see how fast education changes. However, the most beautiful thing about this period was the fact that the entire staff of my school, young and old and in between, were present and active in sharing ideas, dreams, and hopes for our future kiddos. We all expressed our love for students we may or may not have met through our words and actions. It was so cool to see a room of adults from all kinds of backgrounds contemplate ways to make their education a more fulfilling, wholesome experience.

Letters we wrote to the students to welcome them!

Positive words fill the hallways for our kiddos.

This three-week period was also a great time to become familiar with the science department. I was placed in a 6th grade science classroom this year which consists of two teachers. One of my other classmates was placed with an 8th grade science teacher in the same hallway, and we have both been accepted into their family with open arms. I had such a blast getting to know these special people through lunch dates, professional discussions during PD, and just saying "hello" every day.

Crazy Science Department

Matching shirts

When the first day of school finally arrived, I was very anxious to meet my kiddos. Of course, they were anxious and nervous to meet me, too! The first week was very quiet, but now that we're into our third week, it's definitely gotten louder (which, in some ways, I don't mind). They are so full of personality though - I'm very much enjoying my time here! It's just the beginning and I've learned so much from my eleven- to twelve-year-olds...sometimes they drive me a little nuts, but we've had plenty of laughs, too!

Our decorated door

One thing I'm also learning is that it's hard NOT to talk about your kids 24/7. I know the exact moment when I've said too much about them when my friends' eyes kind of glaze over and they politely smile while I rave about the students. My 6th/7th/8th graders have quickly wiggled their way into my heart and every inch of my brain, and while that makes me sound obsessive, it's very much a part of the job.

My desk :)

Motivational Quote I change every week!

On that note, you're probably wondering what I've been up to outside of school (if that kind of free time exists anymore...) Well, occasionally I've been spotted at a local grocery store or at work at the Honors College! I usually run straight to these places immediately after school. I've also been busy planning with my officers (as president!) for upcoming Texas State Teacher's Association - Student Program Meetings! I've actually got a great guest speaker lined up and am so excited to blog about him! Stay tuned for October 10th! :)

I've also found time to hang out with my friends! in fact, recently I got to see Bailey for the first time in a year!! Needless to say, I am so happy we are on the same continent again.


Of course with the beginning of a new semester means the continuance of a tradition: taking a picture with our roommates at the Hands Fountain on campus! We've been doing this since freshman year, and while rooming situations have changed and, well, we've changed, one thing has remained consistent: our friendship. 

Fall, freshman year

Fall, senior year

Love Love Love

With all that's going on in my schedule and life, it's been hard to actually accept the fact that I am in my senior year at Texas Tech University. I can vividly remember beginning this journey through college... This time, four years ago, I was saying goodbye to my parents, living with strangers, and experiencing campus life for the first time. So much has changed since then, and I'm thankful for the person I have become and continue to become... this year my focus is growth.

Whether it's going to a football game, hiking at Palo Duro Canyon, or just painting in the living room while watching TV, I'm finding that the more relaxing, low-key activities are what my mind and body desire. I'm standing and teaching all day every day (not to mention actually attending four classes in addition to my standard 8am-5pm teaching gig).

Last first football game!

Palo Duro Canyon

Name plates for my Mentor Teacher and I!

Middle School Pep Rally = Taping a Teacher to the Wall

Am I busy? Heck yeah! Am I loving it? Absolutely. I'm so blessed to be at a wonderful university for one last year... I get the unique experiences of serving as president of an organization with the best officers ever, participating in my Church in multiple ways as I prepare to graduate and move on in my faith life, and most of all spend 30+ hours a week with eleven/twelve-year-olds that I already adore. This year will be challenging but also exceptionally rewarding! I'm excited to grow personally through Christ and further explore my vocation to teach.

Thanks for reading and continuing on this journey with me. Write you soon.


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