Chapter One-Hundred-and-Thirty-Two: Lots of Lasts

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie the Pooh

Spring semester of senior year is always an exciting time. The end to assignments, papers, and the drudgery of school is so close we can almost taste it; however, the end to lots of other things are coming too, and that's not always an easy task to accept. 
In February, I participated once again in Raider Awakening. This is the biannual retreat held by the Catholic Student Association at Texas Tech that I have been a part of since RA #52. This was RA #58! Needless to say, I've had quite a few blog posts about these special weekends. 

Well, Raider Awakening #58 is very special for a number of reasons. One, I was able to be a table leader again, with an incredible partner and awesome retreaters! We all had a fantastic weekend full of love, acceptance, and learning. 

Don't ask questions about the costumes

Two, I got to see a lot of incredible people do incredible things, like give talks, lead various staffs, or just be fully present and serving. And a lot of these people hold a very special place in my heart, so it's very cool to see them share their hearts in such a cool way. 

Three, it was my last one. 
I can't express in words how much this retreat means to me, and how much it has shaped my experience in college. I retreated as a freshman and to say goodbye as a senior...well, it is quite emotional. I've written a total of 6 (now 7) blog posts about Raider Awakening [67, 91, 100, 112, 121, 130], and while my time has been amazing, it's time to move on from college ministry and begin my faith journey through young, post-graduate life. 

Raider Awakening #52

Raider Awakening #55

Raider Awakening #56

Raider Awakening #57

Raider Awakening #58

All I staffs I was a part of, all the people I've met, the talk I gave, the staffs I've led, the retreaters I've loved, prayed for, and been like a mother to... you are all very special to me and while this is goodbye to Raider Awakening, this is not goodbye to you. 
The most beautiful thing about Raider Awakening is that it keeps going! I will always pray for Raider Awakening - even from afar! 

I also attended my last Texas State Teacher Association - Student Program (Now Aspiring Educators) Conference! 
This past year I have served as Chapter President for Texas Tech's TSTA program. Last year we returned to the annual conference held in Austin, so this year we, of course, went again! We only took seven people in 2017, but in 2018 we brought a total of eleven. 

It was a wonderful trip that re-ignited our fire and desire to teach. We learned from so many great speakers, and I'm so glad all of these lucky participants got to experience the weekend! It was also so fun to see all of the hard work put into our organization be appreciated. This year we took home THREE awards! We won these awards out of the whole state of Texas! Hooray!

Outstanding Excellence, Underclassman, and Website!

It was also exceptionally rewarding for me, as president, to see members become up and coming officers for next year! It's always hard to leave behind an organization that has taken so much time and effort, but I have no worries at all for the future of the Texas Tech chapter. Wreck 'Em!!


Lastly, I will be saying goodbye to my blog. 
Do not worry! This will not be my last post. I plan to continue posting on this blog until the sweet, bitter end of my senior year at Texas Tech. However, in May, my long (now 132 chapter) story of college will come to an end. It's not because I don't enjoy blogging anymore, it's that I simply think it's time to move on.

Thank you for all who have followed me on this amazing adventure. You've been apart of some great, sad, and crazy times. It will be incredibly bittersweet to end this adventure of college life, but I am hopeful for my next adventure to unfold. 

Stay tuned! I have many more adventures planned leading up to graduation! Until then, thanks for reading, and I'll write you next time. 


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