Chapter Fifty-Nine: Dreamin' of a Busy Christmas Season

It often surprises me how quick time can pass by. I remember when I was little(er) and a five-minute time-out seemed to last forever. Now? Five minutes seem to slip away faster than I can get my feet out the door.
This Christmas season seems to be speeding right by...and not slowing down, either. I believe this is because I've grown a little older and, as my father always said, time seems to go faster the older we become.
On Wednesday, to follow up from my Mommy-Daughter date on Tuesday, Dad and I had our own Daddy-Daughter date. We accomplished a lot of errands, had some pizza (his gluten-free), and shopped around at Half-Price Books, one of my favorite places. I picked up a couple of books, all of which I had been wanting for quite awhile.

New Books! to me!

One that I have been wanting for awhile is The Fault In Our Stars, by John Green.
You've probably heard of it, since it recently was made into a movie. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, here is the short synopsis:

"Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten. Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault In Our Stars brilliantly explores the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love." 

I have heard a lot of great things about this story. I knew it would be heart-breaking and beautiful, but I don't think I was really expecting what I received.
I absolutely loved this book.
It made me love. It made me angry. It made me hurt.
It didn't change my life and make me want to stand up and donate to all charities available. However, I do believe it changed my point of view ever so slightly. And I find that beautiful.
So, if you need a good book to read, I highly recommend The Fault In Our Stars. It's very cut-dry and eloquent all at the same time.

 Friday (Yesterday), I got to spend some much-needed quality time with my best friends. The last time we saw each other was during the Thanksgiving break, but we still had so much to talk about. Kimberly and I met up first (Victoria had errands to run all throughout the day) and made a trip to our old high school. We had planned to have lunch with one of our favorite teachers, and maybe even say hello to some of our other favorites. Kimberly baked cookies in advance so we didn't come empty-handed. However, we were told that visiting classrooms was distracting to students and blah blah blah, so we ended up not seeing anyone besides our lunch-buddy. I understand the issue, but I wish I could have seen some of my past teachers! Oh well, maybe another time.
Later that evening, Victoria came over and our sleepover began. We had three movies lined up, but we only had the energy to watch two of them: 22 Jump Street and A Million Ways to Die in the West. We enjoyed 22 Jump Street quite a bit, but were fairly disappointed with A Million Ways to Die in the West. We weren't too upset with our wasted time, though, because it was spent together. :)

We also exchanged Christmas gifts (Victoria hasn't gotten our gifts yet, since we haven't been home for very long). I gave the girls some Doctor Who merchandise, and both were well received (especially since Kimberly helped me pick out her own gift...). I had to get the girls a last minute gift because I had left all my Christmas gifts at Lubbock! I wish I could just pick them up, but that's a long trip for just some gifts I can give them later. They understood, thank goodness!
Kimmy gave Victoria watercolor postcards, which pleased her artsy-fartsy self. Kimmy gave me the cutest gift... As I was opening the giant wrapped bag, Kim played the song, "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas." You can only imagine what I got then, right? A HIPPOPOTAMUS! 

You can say that I am very pleased with my long awaited present (That is one of my favorite songs)...Kimberly was a little sad to see the fella go, apparently he has been Kim's companion for a couple of months...

It's been very busy since I have gotten back home...which is okay! I'm so glad I am seeing all my friends and family. I'm so thankful for them.
I have many more adventures planned, so check back soon! I hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season in their own special way. See you soon.

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