Chapter Sixty-One: Goodbye 2014...

As we all know, it is December 31, 2014. We are on the brink of a brand new year. Before we shout "Happy New Year!" I think it's important to review over all the blessings and hardships 2014 presented to us.

2014 aged me...literally. I turned 18 in January, which, to me, is a huge milestone. The year of adulthood. The year I had to renew my license. The year I started applying for credit cards. The year my life changed.
In March, I went on a fun trip with my high school choir and orchestra to St. Louis, MO. We traveled by train, which was an experience in itself (I believe we spent 12 hours on a about fun and uncomfortable!). This was my first time seeing the city, and I really did like it. It was a bit smoggy, which I'm not used to, but the experience of seeing a new place and traveling with people I love was so much fun. It will be hard to forget.

The Arch, the City, my Group, Ashley and I, the Old Courthouse

In May, a lot of exciting things happened. I sang the song of my dreams at my very last choir concert, "I See the Light," from the movie Tangled. I was asked to go to prom by Luke Henderson, the very best date I could have ever asked for. I attended the event that every Senior looks forward to, Prom, with my date and my very good friends. We danced until our feet hurt, messed up our hair, drank too much punch, and had a great night. Best of all, it was with the people I hold close to my heart. 

Shortly after partying hard, I went on a short trip to Austin,TX for Solo and Ensemble. Once again, I had quite a bit of fun with my friends. Did I mention Luke went to? We were nearly inseparable (other than the fact that his competition was at a completely different location than mine). I guess I should have known what came next...


On May 30, 2014, I was asked out. It was such a surprise, honestly...but in all the right ways. He swept me off my feet by singing a surprise duet of "Love is an Open Door" from the movie Frozen. I knew he was going to ask me out someday, but the how really took my breath away. Just like he does every time I see him now. (How is that for cheesy?)

My reaction: Tears. Read about it here.

What I had been anticipating for 13 years (or more) finally happened in early June: graduation. Even now I can't believe I am a high school graduate. But I will never forget that day I put on those robes and hat that wouldn't fit right and walked across that stage with a little more weight on my shoulders. I will never forget the nerves I felt when walking into that giant auditorium. I will never forget how fast everything seemed to fly by in that long ceremony. I will always treasure these memories. 

Graduation! Read about it here.

My parents gave me the best graduation present I could imagine: a road trip to Walt Disney World! I love Disney so much...and sharing this with the people I love is so valuable to me. I had so much fun with my parents at the "Happiest Place on Earth"! I will never forget meeting Rapunzel, seeing the fireworks over Cinderella's Castle, eating ice cream on Main Street, and many other memorable moments. It was everything I could have possibly dreamed of... 

Walt Disney World. Read about it here.

Before I could even blink, Mom and Dad were driving me to Texas Tech University...College! In August, I began my college career. I moved in and had many adventures (Read about my first week at college here) and met my roommates...well most of them. (One of them left us pretty early in the year, but the new one moved in and we love her!) Bailey, Mary, Jenny, and I have gone on many fun adventures so far, and I anticipate many more in our future. 

Roomies! I love them so much!

I completed my first semester at college with flying colors, and had a lot of fun, too! 
In 2014, I also created something I never knew would grow quite so blog! (See how it all started here!) I initially created it for close family members and friends...but now I have just under 5,000 views. I never knew people would want to read about me so much, but it honestly means so much to me! Writing my blog wouldn't be nearly as exciting if I didn't have anyone to write to. Thank you for being apart of my story for 2014...I can't wait to see what misadventures I'll write about in 2015. Thank you for reading....and Happy New Year!! 

What is your favorite memory from 2014? Comment below! 
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