Chapter Fifty-Eight: First Semester...Check!

Hey gang!
I am proud to say that I have officially finished my first semester at college! Hooray! I actually did pretty well, too. I made all A's (and one B)....surprisingly, I made an A in Chemistry (which caused me the most trouble), but I made a B in Statistics. I'm a little disappointed only because I thought I did a lot better on my final for Stats, but I'm pretty darn proud of myself!
Also, I had a lot of credits transfer in due to AP and ACT I'm now officially considered a Sophomore. I was sure surprised when I saw my "Classification"! Despite this, I still believe I am a freshman...which is okay! Being a freshman isn't nearly as bad as being a freshman in high school (except when it's time to register for classes...then it sucks).
A lot has happened between now and my last post.
In the first week of December, I had another advising appointment. On December 4, I officially changed my major from Pre-Pharmacy to Multidisciplinary Studies. It felt so good to sign my name and just get it done...I felt a huge weight just lift off of my shoulders. I can't wait to see what the road ahead of my has in store.
Finals just seemed to rush by. My roommates and I spent many hours (usually between 9:00PM-3:00AM) studying for our exams. Thankfully, we all did very well! However, due to Texas Tech having the need to kick us out immediately after finals, we didn't have much time to celebrate. Dad came and picked me up last Wednesday, December 10, and drove me home the very same day. It was a long trip (even longer for Dad), but it felt so good to come home.
The next day, I went over to my old high school to play some tennis again. I haven't played in months! It was a good excuse to get active again and to see my boyfriend, Luke.

Featuring matching outfits. Photo Credit to Flor <3

It was so great to swing my racket again...Surprisingly, I wasn't as bad as I thought I would be. I hit a couple of good shots... Hopefully I'll get better the more I visit the courts. 
On Friday, Mom and Dad went out to a banquet at Dad's workplace. As much as I love being with my friends and family, it was nice to be alone for once. You don't get that a lot when you live with three other people. I'm not complaining, because I have great company in Lubbock, too.....but everyone needs their alone time. Besides, Mom and Dad got to dress all nice and have some fun together! 

Where my good looks come from...

On Saturday, I got to visit Luke's Dad's house and meet his family. I had already met his dad, little sister, and step-mom, but it was cool to sit down and talk to everyone. I also met their pets (Princess, Hercules, Ginger, Honey, Lenny, Muffins, and various fish) and Paige, Luke's step-sister. They are all such nice people and I am so blessed I got to spend an entire day with them. It's quite a drive (a little under an hour), but totally worth it! I am hoping I will get to make more trips to see the Hendersons. 
On Sunday, I got to see Kimberly, my best friend, and her family at Mass. They also took me out to lunch to eat some good pho! It was absolutely delicious...and great to see the Sanfords again. 
Later that day, Mom and I headed over to my cousins' house...and I finally got to see my second-cousin, AJ Torres! I have been waiting to see him for quite awhile's a little hard to visit when you live 5 hours away! It was so great to see and hold him for the first time...he is such a cutie! 

We look pretty good together

We spent the evening there and helped throughout the night (I felt pretty useless, honestly...), and then napped on Monday. 
Today (Tuesday) Mom and I ran a million errands. She went grocery shopping and mailed off some packages before I was even really awake. Together, we drove all the way to Dallas and shopped at a couple of places for last minute Christmas gifts. We even had lunch together (and a little cheesecake). It was a great Mommy-Daughter date...and I wouldn't trade it for the world! 
In the evening, Luke accompanied me to the annual Christmas Choir Concert. It was grand, and we had a great time. It was fun to see (and hear) some of my old friends...I even ran into some other past graduates and teachers. All in all, it was a great night. 

Selfie from tonight

That's all for now. Other than all the excitement, I've been relaxing and enjoying my break. Thanks for staying with me this past semester...I really appreciate every last one of you reading about my life! It means so much to me. 
I'll be back soon with more pictures and news. See you soon! 

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