Chapter Seventy-Three: No Regrets...

Here we are, already five days into May. I can't wait to come home, but I'm not ready to pack everything up...All in due time.
Anyways, May has really started off with a bang. On the first day of the month, Friday, the Catholic Student Association threw a formal called Prom Redo...The cost was low with an optional dinner and mandatory dancing! (Ok, just kidding, you didn't have to dance...but dancing made it more fun!) Mary and I were naturally invited since we are at St. Elizabeth's Catholic Church two or three times a week, but we wanted to make this an even better Friday night by inviting our roommates. So, a week before the formal, we promposaled to Bailey and Jenny!

"Bailey and Jenny...We saw how pretty y'all were last year, so we were wondering...Will You go to Prom (redo) With Us?"

We are happy to say they said yes! 
So, Friday evening, we got all dolled up and dressed up. Our dorm looked like a typical girls' dorm, with shoes everywhere, possible outfits laid out, bobby pins scattered throughout the place, and the undeniable smell of hairspray. We curled and straightened and braided each others' hair and borrowed blush or eyeshadow until, finally, we were ready. 

Lookin' fresh and fancy

We decided to go the cheaper route with the formal and used our dining bucks on campus for dinner, then headed over (running fashionably late). 
While spending time together was great, the music selection was not within our limited dancing skills. This is when we realized we needed to learn how to two-step pretty soon here, since country's pretty much all that was played! Oh well, maybe we can all take a class together. In the end, we had a pretty good time just being together. 

Photobooth Models

The next morning (or afternoon, since that's when we woke from our slumbers), Mary got a call from one of the girls we went to Raider Awakening with. 
Mary: [groggily answers phone] "...Hello?"
Amanda: "Hey! Do you want to go to Joyland with us?" 
Mary: "Uhhh...." [Looks down at me] "...Let me talk to my roommate and I'll let you know."
[Mary hangs up]
Mary: "Do you want to go to Joyland?"
Sarah: "I don't know...I'm really tired...and I have a test on Tuesday..."
Mary: "Yeah...It is free though." (Texas Tech was sponsoring the park that day so the first 800 students got in free, with a free T-shirt, and a free meal)
Sarah: "True...I guess we could leave early if we want."
Mary: "True...Plus we like Amanda, Esther, and Carolina."
Sarah: "True...What time do we have to be ready by?"
Mary: "2:00 PM"
[Both look at clocks. It reads: 1:10 PM]
Sarah: "LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S GO" [Running into shower]

Pun intended

Mary and I hauled our donkeys and showered, brushed our hair, (I put on sunscreen), ate a little snack, and were off to Joyland, the sketchy amusement park in Lubbock, Texas! 
To be honest, before Texas Tech told us about the "Spring Fling" event being held at Joyland, I didn't even know Lubbock had an amusement park. Joyland itself looks like it is straight from the 70's. However, the free shirt is comfy and cute, and the free hotdog meal was incredibly good...So, don't judge a book by its cover! 

Where The Fun Is

After grabbing our free shirts and food, we made the smart decision to go on a mildly spinny ride. Keep in mind, we just ate. We also have a girl in our group (Carolina) who is very motion-sensitive. Are we the smartest college kids? You can make that call yourself... 

We rode a couple more rides, but it was evident that Carolina was going downhill fast. Esther sat with her at a table while Mary and Amanda got medicine, and I got ice water. Although getting water took much longer than anticipated (30 minutes for water that costs $1 each! A cup of water in my town is free!), Carolina was soon back on her feet (and the whole group was hydrated again). 
We rode a couple more rides, some more thrilling than others...some older than others...some definitely more rickety than others...

The Crew

Best In-Motion picture of Mary and me...EVER

It was a lot of fun, but with the combination of heat, tiredness, hunger, and dehydration, we decided it was time to go home. We had a wonderful time, Joyland. Until next time...

Wreck 'Em!

However, as a group, we made last minute plans to have a study party at Amanda's apartment. Amanda's apartment building also has a pool, not like that mattered...right? Well shortly after grabbing dinner, Mary and I packed our study supplies (some swim suits, too), and headed over to Amanda's place. We spent some time by the pool (which was thankfully empty), and cooled off after a long, hot day at the amusement park. Of course, when I say "cooled off," I really mean it! I could only stand being in the pool for about fifteen minutes...We decided that coming a different day (when it isn't so late in the day) would probably be better for another pool visit.  

Before freezing to death

After a late night of little studying, lots of talking, and lots of funnel cakes, Mary and I finally made it home. It was definitely a fun day, but boy were we tired! We went straight to bed and didn't plan on waking up for a very, very long time. 
I woke up relatively late Sunday afternoon (It's the day of rest so I have an excuse!). Mary and I made it to church, got blessed (Mary for her upcoming birthday, me for my upcoming anniversary), and came home to an anxious-to-get-things-done Bailey. We decided that since we will have to be moving out relatively soon here, we should probably start somewhere. We removed all of our wall art from the plain, white walls and decided it was time to put the decor away until fall. Now our room is all echo-ey and plain and I really do hate it. I guess it'll make moving out easier once this place starts feeling less and less like home. 
We placed our art in the storage unit and, since we were out and far from campus, we decided to have one of our last off-campus meals together. But where shall we go??
Mary then decides to pull a small coupon out of her wallet and say, "You know, I do have this coupon for Joe's Cra-" 
Before she finished the sentence, we were already at Joe's Crab Shack. 

My mouth is watering

The coupon was for a surprisingly great deal, but we didn't want to completely go broke. We split a bucket of Garlic Herb Queen Crab (with a corn on the cob for each of us), an extra side of Snow Crab, and an appetizer of Crab dip/Artichoke dip. Delicious, and an absolute perfect meal. 

Bailey and our Messy Mess

The crab isn't even the best part, gang! See, Bailey and I planned something really sneaky up our sleeves. Mary's birthday is coming up (May 18, to be exact), but, unfortunately, we won't be with her to celebrate. So, (even though we all paid), we did something else special...we told the waiters and waitresses it was her birthday. And if you've ever been to Joe's and witnessed a birthday celebration (or maybe even your own birthday), you know there is no such thing as "too embarrassing" 

I personally think they went too easy on her, but at least she took it like a champ! Happy early Birthday, Roomie. Sorry you had to help pay, but you're an adult now. 

That's it for now, folks! Wish us luck on finals...and see you soon! 


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