Chapter Seventy-Five: Everybody (Sarah's Back)


A short few days ago, I said goodbye to my roommates and headed home. I seriously cannot believe I am finished with my first year of college! It was a fun, exciting 9 months full of new faces, new friends, new knowledge, and new memories I will never forget. God really blessed me with the best roommates, exceptional classes, and a lovely church community! I truly had a wonderful experience at the best university in the land. 

First Day of Class/Last Day of Tests

Thanks for the memories, Tech! As much as I want to return, I'm definitely ready for a break and some quality time with my family and friends. 
After a long drive home, it was time to unpack all the boxes and bags I had packed in the last 48 hours. While tedious, it was nice to fill up my empty closet and drawers in my familiar, purple room. Later that same day, I invited Luke over to help me unpack. He came running to my door and we had an incredibly romantic chest-bump and we did our bro-handshake. Okay, I'm kidding. He did the super sweet thing and spun me around and yada yada yada. I guess you could say we missed each other.

The Princess Bride

This past weekend was family night, in celebration of my sister's birthday (May 16) as well as my nephew's upcoming birthday (June 1). This means seeing family, as well as a desperate need to clean house. Which meant all of my boxes had to go. I spent the two days after moving in organizing, cleaning, and polishing my room and bathroom and GOLLY GOSH I did such a grand job. Not only that, but I also applied to some restaurants around town and even landed on interview early Saturday afternoon! I guess you could say I've been a little busy these last couple of days. I haven't even been home for a week yet.
Saturday rolled around and I headed over to Red Lobster for my interview. I showed up early with Resume and planner in hand, ready to impress. Before I knew it, I was shaking the manager's hand, thanking him for offering me a serving position! I'M A WAITRESS! 
This will be an exciting experience, so this blog will be pretty interesting these next couple of months. Who knows...maybe this will make you Sea Food Differently

Roll Credits

I returned home with a permanent grin on my face, and changed just in time to see my niece, nephew, and sister again after a long, long time (not to mention give my sister a "Happy Birthday" hug). It's honestly so refreshing to see my family again...however this school year really did fly by, so it feels like I just barely missed them. 
After a night full of delicious food, exciting gifts, wonderful pie, and familiar faces, the house was emptied yet again. We all just about passed out, but all-in-all were satisfied. 

This has been an incredible year so far, and I seriously can't wait to see what is coming next!! I don't know any words that can really justify how amazing my first year as a college student was..."Wonderful," and "Grand" just seem to scratch the surface. No word can describe how many laughs I've shared, tears I've shed, friendships that have been made...No word can describe just how thankful I am that God blessed me with this opportunity. However, I can say this: Thank you.
Thanks for sticking with this freshman through her entire experience...and I hope you're ready to see what this Sophomore will tackle next. See you soon...and WRECK 'EM!


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