Chapter Seventy-Four: The Hardest Job in the World

Ever since we were little, we are all asked a very simple, yet dramatic question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" When we were smaller, this question was pretty easy to answer. We wanted to be a beautiful princess in a far away castle with a moat, or we wanted to be a brave superhero who saved countless lives day after day. However, as we aged, we learned that these dreams of ours aren't as realistic or attainable as we had hoped. 
Being in college, the most common question asked is "What's your major?" While this seems pretty simple, it carries almost the same weight as what we were asked growing up. What comes after the degree is the scariest part. The job. 
Sometimes it feels like a competition here, where the Engineering and Science degrees are given a lot of credit for going into a tough future career. I'm sure that every career has it's ups and downs, and some are probably harder than others, I believe there is a job out there that is harder than all of them. Combined.
A lot of people probably will disagree with me. I mean, what could be harder than being a rocket scientist or a neurosurgeon? The fact that people will disagree with me is okay (honestly, I'm a little used to people not thinking like me at this point), but I still, wholeheartedly believe I know what the hardest job is. 

You see, this job isn't like other occupations. Nope. Not one bit. The monetary value is pretty poor, especially since it's a negative income. The hours are long, hard, and seem never-ending. Breaks are short, if the opportunity of a break even comes up. And if that isn't enough to turn you away then try this: the moment you start the job, it's painful (mentally and physically) and literally changes your life forever.

Can you believe there are people out there crazy enough to sign up for this job? 

However, sometimes, there are times where this job really pays...but not with cash.
You see, with this job, there are countless benefits. The time spent in this occupation are full of giggles, smiles, and plenty of fun times. While breaks are short, sometimes it's hard to tear away. This job tests all the boundaries, but exceeds all expectations when it comes to happiness and joy. The amount of blessings received almost always pushes away all the sad, hard times. And I won't deny there are hard times, the end result is truly wonderful. 
This job involves lots of giggles, wiping tears, playing a constant game of dress-up, also constantly doing laundry, giving hugs (even when they're not wanted), playing chef (and if your food gets thrown, that's a compliment), lots and lots of kisses, and an everlasting, neverending love. 
The simple name for this incredibly complex job is just...Mother.

Mothers are not rocket scientists, but they can build a relationship and bond with their child stronger than any chemical or physical bond. Mothers are not neurosurgeons, but they can sense emotions and "bad days" through a simple posture change or lack of smile. 

Motherhood is, without a doubt, the hardest job; however, it is also the most rewarding. 
And with that I want to wish all the mothers out there a "Happy Mother's Day."    


  1. Beautifully said, Sarah, and I know it is from your heart. Mimi


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