Chapter Sixty-One: Goodbye 2014...

As we all know, it is December 31, 2014. We are on the brink of a brand new year. Before we shout "Happy New Year!" I think it's important to review over all the blessings and hardships 2014 presented to us. 2014 aged me...literally. I turned 18 in January, which, to me, is a huge milestone. The year of adulthood. The year I had to renew my license. The year I started applying for credit cards. The year my life changed. In March, I went on a fun trip with my high school choir and orchestra to St. Louis, MO. We traveled by train, which was an experience in itself (I believe we spent 12 hours on a about fun and uncomfortable!). This was my first time seeing the city, and I really did like it. It was a bit smoggy, which I'm not used to, but the experience of seeing a new place and traveling with people I love was so much fun. It will be hard to forget. The Arch, the City, my Group, Ashley and I, the Old Courthouse In May, a lot of exciting things...