Chapter Fifty-Six: Cold November Nights

Jack Frost paid a visit to Lubbock this past weekend. We awoke Sunday morning to frosted windows and cold winds carrying snowflakes. We could not contain ourselves...we jumped out of bed and put on our best winter gear and headed out. We weren't the only ones. Snowball fights, snowman building, snow angel making...everyone who rarely gets a glimpse at snow was out.

Bailey was visiting with her parents, so it was just Mary, Jenny, and I. We toured campus to get a look at the Texas Tech campus under a light blanket of snow. It sure was pretty...but very cold. After throwing a couple of snow balls and snapping a couple of photos, we headed back home. We treated ourselves to hot chocolate and a movie.

Our last full week of school seemed to drag on. We all miss home and are tired of the first semester. I had a couple of tests this week, so you can imagine how busy I was studying. Luckily, when Thursday came around, we had the opportunity to relieve some stress. Our CA, Kristen, was hosting a cookie-baking, letter-writing event in the community kitchen. Not many people showed up, but it was definitely fun to bake and write!

On Friday, Bailey had a visitor...Nate! After dinner, we all went out to the movies. Nate and Bailey watched the anticipated film, Mockingjay, while Jenny, Mary, and I saw Disney's Big Hero Six. (This is such a great movie...exceeded all of our expectations. I highly recommend it!)

Saturday was full of sleep and food. (Sleeping in past lunchtime is becoming a new habit of ours) Bailey and I had plans, though. I was her date to Sigma Phi Lambda's Semi-Formal! Neither of us knew what to expect, but we were excited nonetheless. After going out to eat dinner, we arrived to Caprock Winery, a winery just out of town. I was so impressed by the venue and decorations. It was absolutely beautiful!

We socialized a bit and ate some of the pie cocktails provided (yum!), but we were both pretty tired, so we left after about two hours. It was fun, and I was honored to be my roommate's date.

This next week will fly by, I'm sure of it. After having class on Monday and Tuesday, I'll be headed home for Thanksgving. I'm so excited to go home...I'm very homesick! I haven't seen my parents in 3 months! And even longer for my best friends... It will be fun but I know it will fly by faster than I can say "Thanks!"
Wednesday cannot come soon enough... Friends, family, Luke, my dog, my guinea pig, Mama's cookin'... I can't wait!

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