Chapter Forty-Five: 1 Month Later

Today is September 17, 2014.
Just a month ago today, I was traveling to Lubbock with my parents, shoving all of my stuff in the smaller-than-anticipated dorm, and basically preparing for a new experience. I can't believe it's only been a feels like I've been here for so long! I really, really miss my family and friends, but Skype has really been such a blessing.

Long-Distance Selfie :)

Everything was pretty normal on Monday. Mary, Bailey, and I all walked to our LCG (Learning Community Group), which is basically a freshman class for Honors students to learn about the campus and how to make resumes and such. Just like last week, we took a selfie...maybe this is going to become a weekly thing.

Looking cute!

My LCG talked about crazy roommate problems, mold issues, and English 2391 together. Generally, I think we all are enjoying the class...but it's really hard to get out of "high school writing habits" and shift over to "college writing habits." I put that in quotations because I don't want to discredit all high school writing, BUT, in school we were all taught a system of how to do things. Here, I believe it's important to learn about what your professor likes and DO THAT. Our professor loves, loves, loves short and simple sentences. A lot of us came out of AP Literature and are so used to writing flowery, beautiful, long this is a little bit of a struggle. I think I am just so blessed because I had Christenberry my junior year, who taught me K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid), but I also had Langsather my senior year, who taught about the grace that comes with long, beautiful sentences. I feel like because of my exposure to these incredible instructors, I am a more versatile writer...and I am so thankful for them.
Mary and I got out pretty early from out LCG, so we decided to explore a little bit. Mary took me to the Architecture building, which is, ironically, a pretty ugly building. We went up to the top floor and got quite a view:

Such a beautiful campus

I still can't believe I go into that building (English/Philosophy) nearly every day to attend classes. I learn in there!! Isn't that incredible? 
Anyway, while Mary and I were up on the top floor, Bailey got out of class. So we were mean and told her we were in the courtyard, and then snickered as we watched her walk out, looking for us. 

*evil laughter*

Oh man, we are so mean. We ran down and giggled a lot and then went to dinner together. I love these girls so much! We have been talking about rooming together again next year, but we will see what happens. 
Tuesday rolled around and Bailey and I went to our healthcare seminar. This week, we heard from an Occupational Therapist, Clinical Laboratory Scientist, and Physician's Assistant. I am personally not interested in OT and PA (I still find the talks informative!), but Clinical Laboratory Science has really caught my eye. Basically, when you have to give small vials of blood or give a urine sample, a Clinical Laboratory Scientist examines and tests it for certain diseases or other abnormalities. These scientists play a very crucial role in the medical field, and it has really sparked my attention...I'll be looking more into this! 

Short video on CLS

Shortly after our class, I hitched a ride with Kelsey, one of the Women of Faith leaders, and arrived for the first True Beauty Campaign! These are special meetings that will be focusing on our true beauty as women of the church and learning more about the inspiring women of the faith. I am so, so excited! This week, we found positive images in magazines and created collages. Check out all these creations! 

Beauty Collages :)

Mine...Added a few touches at home.

I really think it's important for women to realize just how valued and beautiful we all are. We were shown a truly inspiring video and whether you are a woman or not, please take the time to watch it. Whether you're a woman or not, please know that you are valued and loved so much. More than we can even comprehend

A message to all women

Today was different in a number of ways. I had a healthy lunch (I haven't been making the healthiest of choices lately....grr). I had a tuna salad sandwich with a bowl of fruit and a bottle of apple juice. I could have just had water, but I gotta live a little! Anyway, while I was mentally adding up the costs, I noticed I could have easily grabbed an easier, cheaper option. Tuna salad on a croissant with BBQ chips and a roll of OREOs. My meal cost nearly $9, but this other option cost only $5. 
Come on! Seriously? Ugh
After getting out of chemistry early (perks of college), Bailey, Mary, Ben (neighbor across the hall), and I went over to Starbucks to take advantage of the BOGO sale. Bailey and Ben enjoyed the new hot beverages and I enjoyed a cake pop. Life is good
Bailey's personal mission today was to get a brand new bible, as she left hers at home. Bailey is a part of the Christian sorority group, Sigma Phi Lambda (She is sooo loving it!) and really wanted to start her journey in the new bible. Mary and I traveled about the store looking at things while Bailey looked at multiple bibles. Bailey found her bible, and I found a new necklace! 

"For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move hence to yonder place,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you." Matthew 17:20

Other than it raining cats and dogs and flooding, today was pretty awesome! I love hanging out with my roomies and really hope we will be a part of each others' lives for a long while. 

Rain, rain, go away!

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